I agree with SDL for 2D. If we go with that, we are allowed to reuse existing code bits if it's already published/public/open before the jam begins. I can provide a decent main loop and input handling for C++ with SDL from Flare.
Note that the game jam will announce a Theme when it begins, so we can't really pick a genre ahead of time.
Thanks for the extensive feedback! Let me see if I can respond.
Yes, screen size and fullscreen are now easier-to-set options
For now I don't mind a dungeon staying cleared while the player is in it.
I do like the idea of patrols. When I get around to doing another AI pass I'll consider a waypoint-based patrol system, which should be pretty straightforward to implement.
I probably won't add new core stats, but I probably will add stealth or invisibility at some point
Right now equipment slots are kept to a minimum to make art creation faster. Ideally some day the number and type of equipment slots will all be in simple config files.
Scrolls are a great idea which would already work. I'll hunt down or comission a scroll icon so I can start adding these.
The main/off hand distinction is also to simplify art needs. E.g. no two-handed weapons because that requires more animation options. I'll probably support it later though.
b0rsuk: the final game won't have random wrong-level enemies like that (unless they serve some story or environment purpose).
Also note that the Apple App Store is incompatible with the GPL. Unless something's changed since January: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/no-gpl-apps-for-apples-app-store/8046
Hm, maybe try this first.
sudo apt-get install build-essential
c, yes! Thanks for the reminder; I need to move that setting.
I've been meaning to try SFML (I've done lots in Allegro and SDL in the past), so this would be a decent excuse for me.
You're correct. For reference, I found the previous Reddit game jam themes:
I agree with SDL for 2D. If we go with that, we are allowed to reuse existing code bits if it's already published/public/open before the jam begins. I can provide a decent main loop and input handling for C++ with SDL from Flare.
Note that the game jam will announce a Theme when it begins, so we can't really pick a genre ahead of time.
I especially like the frame. I've decided to combine this frame with the existing bars.
The new health bar is nice and crispy! I'm checking the new version into flare now.
Thanks for the extensive feedback! Let me see if I can respond.