the reason for slingshots is simple: I needed four tiers of Bow-like weapons and they all had to use the same animation. Slingshots use the same human animation as bows. Slings and Crossbows would both require new animations. I made that decision early on, primarily to keep art needs to a minimum. That's also why, for example, Flare uses few equipment slots: the less art needed, the faster a game can be put together.
As far as century, this isn't a historical game so I'm not concerned.
And, people using the Flare engine (when it's ready) will not be forced to use Slingshots in their games. As an example, the second Flare-based game I will make will probably be a modern zombie action rpg with pistols, shotguns, machetes, etc.
(note, in the actual calculation "level" and "physical" would be "level - 1" and "physical - 1")
It's close enough to how it's done in most games of the genre, and plugging those values into a config file will be easy enough for people playing around with the engine.
michal, that's a nice idea. I could give a small bonus for each level e.g. 2 hp, 1 hp regen, 2 mp, 1 mp regen, 2 accuracy, 2 avoidance, 1 crit. Either way, the engine should support auto stat gains on a level up.
Some obvious balance issues that are simply due to being Alpha:
Level 1 is terrible in this system. No prospective hero should run around punching goblins. In a full game, level 1 would usually include a trainer, starting equipment, and quest XP to help someone reach level 2 before reaching the "real world".
When Flare becomes its first game I'll probably buy a domain for it and set up a nice website. For now this forum is serving me well -- plus, not having to maintain a separate forum is saving me a lot of time (invested in more Flare code).
the reason for slingshots is simple: I needed four tiers of Bow-like weapons and they all had to use the same animation. Slingshots use the same human animation as bows. Slings and Crossbows would both require new animations. I made that decision early on, primarily to keep art needs to a minimum. That's also why, for example, Flare uses few equipment slots: the less art needed, the faster a game can be put together.
As far as century, this isn't a historical game so I'm not concerned.
And, people using the Flare engine (when it's ready) will not be forced to use Slingshots in their games. As an example, the second Flare-based game I will make will probably be a modern zombie action rpg with pistols, shotguns, machetes, etc.
Anon, what operating system are you on? And do you have a C++ compiler installed?
I'm mostly free this weekend!
I'll probably add a simple point award system per level. So that each formula is like this:
HP = hp_starting + (hp_per_level * level) + (hp_per_physical * physical)
Example usage:
(note, in the actual calculation "level" and "physical" would be "level - 1" and "physical - 1")
It's close enough to how it's done in most games of the genre, and plugging those values into a config file will be easy enough for people playing around with the engine.
michal, that's a nice idea. I could give a small bonus for each level e.g. 2 hp, 1 hp regen, 2 mp, 1 mp regen, 2 accuracy, 2 avoidance, 1 crit. Either way, the engine should support auto stat gains on a level up.
Some obvious balance issues that are simply due to being Alpha:
Updates in r295
The starting vendor has the potions, and the cave/captured vendor has flasks.
The easier-to-attain potions should help with low level survival and mana issues.
Windows download:
Spell: I think Flare looks and performs decently as is. But also I'm charmed by the simplicity of high-quality 2D games from the 90s era.
Right now the config file support I need is utterly simple, so I'll probably stick with my current system for a bit longer.
When I get into translation support, though, I might be looking at scripting languages that support unicode config files.
When Flare becomes its first game I'll probably buy a domain for it and set up a nice website. For now this forum is serving me well -- plus, not having to maintain a separate forum is saving me a lot of time (invested in more Flare code).