Haha, it's funny to look back at this 4 years later and see 6 of my old icons on here. I can assure everyone that I was not trying to be malicious and push other art off of the "Latest art" sort. I thought I was fine to upload each icon and bind them together as a set (collection?), which I did here (https://opengameart.org/content/icons-9). My apologies for the mistake.
Haha, it's funny to look back at this 4 years later and see 6 of my old icons on here. I can assure everyone that I was not trying to be malicious and push other art off of the "Latest art" sort. I thought I was fine to upload each icon and bind them together as a set (collection?), which I did here (https://opengameart.org/content/icons-9). My apologies for the mistake.