Hey RKK0123, nice to hear that the tutorial was helpful. First of all I have to say that the only way to get better at drawing is to practice (I really need to practice more, too :) ). For beginners it's easier to use only a few gray tones (light, mid and dark gray) and draw primitives like cubes and spheres to figure out how light behaves on objects.
To paint the details of the ships, start with really rough shapes and just block in the colors/shades. Be wild. Then you can improve these basic shades, smudge and paint over with different opacities. For the thinner lines just use a finer brush with a darker gray tone or alternatively set the brush mode to multiply or use the burn tool to paint darker lines. And experiment with the opacity of your brushes till you figure out what's best for you.
The design process is actually the most difficult part. I change the details quite a lot till I find a design that I like. Sometimes I have a design in mind that I want to create and sometimes I just paint randomly and surprise myself. ;)
I'll probably upload another ship with more intermediate steps to clarify what I do.
PS: Wow 30 races sounds like A LOT of work. If you need help you can hire me. :D
I'll probably create more sets, but I'm working on other stuff now. Especially some texture variations would be good to reduce the repetitiveness. We haven't figured out a good way to make transitions between different materials yet. I wonder if it's possible to use texture splatting over several tiles.
I don't think there are FOSS games that use these ships, but I've received some e-mails from people who wanted to use them in commercial games. I don't know the names, though.
I don't see this "notify" button either. Neither in the forum nor on a submission page. Am I blind already?
We really need these download buttons: http://opengameart.org/content/upcoming-ui-changes-on-opengameartorg XD
Nice retro style. :)
Here you go! http://opengameart.org/content/spaceship-tutorial-0
I also included a thinner version of the ship with different colors and a layered gimp file.
Hey RKK0123, nice to hear that the tutorial was helpful. First of all I have to say that the only way to get better at drawing is to practice (I really need to practice more, too :) ). For beginners it's easier to use only a few gray tones (light, mid and dark gray) and draw primitives like cubes and spheres to figure out how light behaves on objects.
To paint the details of the ships, start with really rough shapes and just block in the colors/shades. Be wild. Then you can improve these basic shades, smudge and paint over with different opacities. For the thinner lines just use a finer brush with a darker gray tone or alternatively set the brush mode to multiply or use the burn tool to paint darker lines. And experiment with the opacity of your brushes till you figure out what's best for you.
The design process is actually the most difficult part. I change the details quite a lot till I find a design that I like. Sometimes I have a design in mind that I want to create and sometimes I just paint randomly and surprise myself. ;)
I'll probably upload another ship with more intermediate steps to clarify what I do.
PS: Wow 30 races sounds like A LOT of work. If you need help you can hire me. :D
I'll probably create more sets, but I'm working on other stuff now. Especially some texture variations would be good to reduce the repetitiveness. We haven't figured out a good way to make transitions between different materials yet. I wonder if it's possible to use texture splatting over several tiles.
I don't think there are FOSS games that use these ships, but I've received some e-mails from people who wanted to use them in commercial games. I don't know the names, though.
I've already cutified one of my models: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/821/cutiemech.jpg/
It's the Cutiemech 5000, armed with a flower launcher and a cotton candy cannon. XD Does anyone else think that I'm going mad?
Please feel free to cutify one of my models, too, as revenge. ^_^
Ah, I didn't know you wanted it to look cute. Then I have another suggestion for you. :D http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/mechanicalminer2.jpg/
He reminds me a bit of Thomas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas,_Henry,_Duck_and_troublesome_tr...
I'm just kidding, my real suggestion can be found here: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=691&start=250#p27942
Now I really want to play a game with cute little robots. I think "My Little Robot" could be a very succesful game. :D
PS: Danimal I hope you don't hate me now because of what I did to your model. :o)