people are trying to talk to you in good faith. i asked you to please not engage in personal attacks, and you responded by calling it a "bullshit excuse."
there is no point in continuing. we both agree that nazis are bad, we are both fighting against fascism, but only one of us is intentionally antagonizing their own allies in that fight.
in my opinion this is a thinly veiled piece of satire linking elon musk to the right wing white nationalist movement in the united states, and rightly so, because elon musk is indeed a fascist-sympathizer. for that reason, i agree the image is politically motivated. i see no evidence that the political motivation by the submitter is to show alignment with fascism.
but you have already decided what it means, and already decided who we are, without listening to anything they said or doing any critical analysis.
that said, shadowfeign's knee-jerk reaction is going to be the knee-jerk reaction from alot of people. this submission is problematic. it was motivated by a political position (linking elon musk to nazi symbolism) and is an invitation to unneeded controversy.
also @shadowfeign, please refrain from personally attacking me. i am trying to have a level-headed conversation about this submission.
i am a die-hard member of antifa. whatever the opposite of a nazi is, i am that thing.
from what i can see, the impetus of the submitter here was to make an allusion between the new twitter "x" logo and the version of the swastika that was made infamous by the nazis and continues to be used by right-wing white nationalists and neonazi organizations to this day.
while i can only see bad coming from this in the long and short term, as this can only become a political argument where noone wins, i think you are personally out of pocket calling either MedicineStorm or Joe Strout "nazi scum." i don't know Joe Strout, and can only go by what they have said so far, and the clear political stance he is making clear by comparing the Elon Musk logo to the Nazi logo, seems a pretty obvious indication he is a progressive. i know MedicineStorm personally, and i can assure you that she is NOT a nazi.
i think you are casting aspersions in this instance where they are not warranted.
at any rate, i see no way this can continue to be discussed in any way without violating the existing rules and norms on OGA about talking about politics.
i think the details read better with the outline, but it really depends more on how it looks in game -- do the sprites read well against the background?
keep doing the n64 thing, my guy!
i'm lovin' it :)
the gameboy is cute, as is the frog :)
i would love to see more freedoom an blasphemer cast-offs make it here under cc0 license. you do good work.
people are trying to talk to you in good faith. i asked you to please not engage in personal attacks, and you responded by calling it a "bullshit excuse."
there is no point in continuing. we both agree that nazis are bad, we are both fighting against fascism, but only one of us is intentionally antagonizing their own allies in that fight.
in my opinion this is a thinly veiled piece of satire linking elon musk to the right wing white nationalist movement in the united states, and rightly so, because elon musk is indeed a fascist-sympathizer. for that reason, i agree the image is politically motivated. i see no evidence that the political motivation by the submitter is to show alignment with fascism.
but you have already decided what it means, and already decided who we are, without listening to anything they said or doing any critical analysis.
that said, shadowfeign's knee-jerk reaction is going to be the knee-jerk reaction from alot of people. this submission is problematic. it was motivated by a political position (linking elon musk to nazi symbolism) and is an invitation to unneeded controversy.
also @shadowfeign, please refrain from personally attacking me. i am trying to have a level-headed conversation about this submission.
i am a die-hard member of antifa. whatever the opposite of a nazi is, i am that thing.
from what i can see, the impetus of the submitter here was to make an allusion between the new twitter "x" logo and the version of the swastika that was made infamous by the nazis and continues to be used by right-wing white nationalists and neonazi organizations to this day.
while i can only see bad coming from this in the long and short term, as this can only become a political argument where noone wins, i think you are personally out of pocket calling either MedicineStorm or Joe Strout "nazi scum." i don't know Joe Strout, and can only go by what they have said so far, and the clear political stance he is making clear by comparing the Elon Musk logo to the Nazi logo, seems a pretty obvious indication he is a progressive. i know MedicineStorm personally, and i can assure you that she is NOT a nazi.
i think you are casting aspersions in this instance where they are not warranted.
at any rate, i see no way this can continue to be discussed in any way without violating the existing rules and norms on OGA about talking about politics.
very effective use of small pixel art! the details read very clearly, and the color choices are very nice :)
definately could be useful!
it looks great, and showing your process is very useful as well :)
i think the details read better with the outline, but it really depends more on how it looks in game -- do the sprites read well against the background?