Hey, I'm back on the forum :D I've completed the game with an adept character on level 13 with permadeath option turned on.
First of all - I really like changes made to ranged enemies' AI. They're definitely not as easy targets as before, they're greater threat and aren't so annoying.
For now, I've opened a portal to Underworld with, I've got two unique items - an Mog's Axe and some book (and statues, of course, but I'm not counting them) and three items for three different sets - I like bonuses given by all these items, which makes them useful even after finding items with higher levels.
I can see that the campaign is coming to the end, which is a shame, I presume that it can be finished with a level 20 character max. But for now my biggest complain is reusing assets - one sound for goblins' death, one sound for them getting hit, one for hero getting hit etc., it gets pretty annoying after playing whole campaign. It doesn't bother me as much in terms of graphics, just audio.
I hope that soon the game will be complete and will be getting more polish even after 1.0 release :) Thank you for your hard work.
I've found a new bug. If I'll stand between wall and Necromancer (close to him), he won't use his shield and won't move from this spot. I've recorded it.
Also please tell me - should I be able to hit Necromancer, if he has his shield up and I'll use War Cry, which makes me immune to knockback?
And very rarely if he has his shield up and I got to him and I'm close to a wall, knockback work on me only once and I'm able to hit him, but that's something so rare I couldn't record it.
Of course XD I've entered that room every time and I didn't notice those runes, and I thought that's weird that these are the only such big rooms and one of them doesn't seem to have a purpose, but that's it, I didn't investigate the room on the south further. But I think that others can be better observers than me. Thank you.
And thank you for your opinion on Steam Greenlight. I'll try to spread the word about Flare.
First of all, I'm playing campaign from the beginning on the tablet. I've choose a scout.
Second of all, one should not simply create a Permadeath character on mobile.
Third - playing on tablet is much easier and more pleasant than on smartphone, but it would really be nice, if the assets and UI could be a bit larger, because it's still hard to use abilities for Action bar.
Thourth - some time ago I've written about a bug, where all battle text was white. It's still happening - but only after launching the game for the first time after building it on the mobile device (I've attached a screenshot). After restarting the game (I didn't change any option after closing the first game and before beginning another) and loading my save file, everything's fine - "miss" is grey, damage done to my character is red etc.
Fifth - reading books is now possible - thank you :)
Sixth - not exactly Android exclusive, but new frames for description windows look really cool.
And the last thing - I was thinking about using abilities on a mobile device... I was playing a game called "Mage and Minions", which is a free to play hack'n slash. Player can assign abilities to few slots and each slot has a corresponding gesture, which activates an ability - for example, you can draw "V" with a finger for your character to charge in the spot, where you've started drawing or order your companion to shoot arrows there. Maybe there's a way for Flare to use a similar method? If not, maybe minimize action bar to less slots and - let's say - give 3-4 slots for abilities at the right lower corner of the screen, 2 for potions in the left lower corner of the screen and 3 for extra things, like scrolls in the middle. Abilities are not being used immediately after tapping on their icons, but are being selected as the default, which will be used after tapping on the enemy. What do you think about that?
Thank you for a quick response, I've downloaded new source and replayed the quest. First thing I noticed was that there are runes on the floor, and if in one of the room there was a glowing room after activating the switches, the same rune can be activated in the next rooms.
In the first room I've randomly picked a switch. In the next one I was watching at a wall and noticed, that two of the switches were on the same lines of tiles as curtains, so I turned them on - and it worked. Another room - I could look on the floor and picked switches, which were close to some rune. Basically - in the first three rooms just look on the floor and choose switches, which have a rune nearby.
I still couldn't find a pattern for the last room. There are 8 switches placed in pairs. I've noticed that if there was a torch right in front of the switch, then I shouldn't touch this one, but the second one - but it could be applied only for two pairs of switches - I'm not sure why should I choose other switches, which opened the door... Maybe it's just my problem and I can't see a solution and maybe I was too harsh in the previous post. Maybe if someone would explain this to me, then I'll probably smack myself in the forehead and say "Of course!". For now, I'm not complaining anymore about that :)
And thanks for that book with the drawings of the beast :) That's a small touch, but it's something I wanted to see.
Now something off-topic. I was playing for a short while close to a friend of mine. When I explained him, that it's an open source hack'n slash, which is constantly updated, he asked me why it's not on Steam, or Steam Greenlight, because it looks like it can easily surpass many paid indie games. Have you thought about it?
Hello again. Today I've finally downloaded new Flare source and - of course - I've completed Fort Nasu already. It's always cool to have a new level with unique reward, but I have to say that I'm finding touching all these switches very tedious. I remember that in alpha demo there was such a level, where touching the right switch opened the door, and touching the wrong one resulted in player's immediate death - and It was cool, because there were clues to help player choose the right switch.
When I got to the last room and found out that there are 8 switches, I just wanted to leave this place.
Maybe I didn't found any clues, maybe there are some hidden in this Fort, but if that's not the case, I propose to put there some little map with puzzle, for example.
I've just finished additional two levels and sidequests, which were recently added - levels are nice, especially "Mog Cavern". Unfortunatelly, I had to look for notes like a blind - on Android notes can't be read.
By the way - I bought myself a 7" tablet - targeting is much easier and more forgiving in comparision with 4" smartphone. It has quad proccessor, but only 512MB RAM, so loading a saved game takes about 10 seconds.
Hey, I'm back on the forum :D I've completed the game with an adept character on level 13 with permadeath option turned on.
First of all - I really like changes made to ranged enemies' AI. They're definitely not as easy targets as before, they're greater threat and aren't so annoying.
For now, I've opened a portal to Underworld with, I've got two unique items - an Mog's Axe and some book (and statues, of course, but I'm not counting them) and three items for three different sets - I like bonuses given by all these items, which makes them useful even after finding items with higher levels.
I can see that the campaign is coming to the end, which is a shame, I presume that it can be finished with a level 20 character max. But for now my biggest complain is reusing assets - one sound for goblins' death, one sound for them getting hit, one for hero getting hit etc., it gets pretty annoying after playing whole campaign. It doesn't bother me as much in terms of graphics, just audio.
I hope that soon the game will be complete and will be getting more polish even after 1.0 release :) Thank you for your hard work.
Okay, thanks for making it clear :)
I've found a new bug. If I'll stand between wall and Necromancer (close to him), he won't use his shield and won't move from this spot. I've recorded it.
Also please tell me - should I be able to hit Necromancer, if he has his shield up and I'll use War Cry, which makes me immune to knockback?
And very rarely if he has his shield up and I got to him and I'm close to a wall, knockback work on me only once and I'm able to hit him, but that's something so rare I couldn't record it.
Of course XD I've entered that room every time and I didn't notice those runes, and I thought that's weird that these are the only such big rooms and one of them doesn't seem to have a purpose, but that's it, I didn't investigate the room on the south further. But I think that others can be better observers than me. Thank you.
And thank you for your opinion on Steam Greenlight. I'll try to spread the word about Flare.
It would be cool if you find that idea worth trying. I'll be waiting for new commits :)
Well, I didn't say here anything for a while...
First of all, I'm playing campaign from the beginning on the tablet. I've choose a scout.
Second of all, one should not simply create a Permadeath character on mobile.
Third - playing on tablet is much easier and more pleasant than on smartphone, but it would really be nice, if the assets and UI could be a bit larger, because it's still hard to use abilities for Action bar.
Thourth - some time ago I've written about a bug, where all battle text was white. It's still happening - but only after launching the game for the first time after building it on the mobile device (I've attached a screenshot). After restarting the game (I didn't change any option after closing the first game and before beginning another) and loading my save file, everything's fine - "miss" is grey, damage done to my character is red etc.
Fifth - reading books is now possible - thank you :)
Sixth - not exactly Android exclusive, but new frames for description windows look really cool.
And the last thing - I was thinking about using abilities on a mobile device... I was playing a game called "Mage and Minions", which is a free to play hack'n slash. Player can assign abilities to few slots and each slot has a corresponding gesture, which activates an ability - for example, you can draw "V" with a finger for your character to charge in the spot, where you've started drawing or order your companion to shoot arrows there. Maybe there's a way for Flare to use a similar method? If not, maybe minimize action bar to less slots and - let's say - give 3-4 slots for abilities at the right lower corner of the screen, 2 for potions in the left lower corner of the screen and 3 for extra things, like scrolls in the middle. Abilities are not being used immediately after tapping on their icons, but are being selected as the default, which will be used after tapping on the enemy. What do you think about that?
Thank you for a quick response, I've downloaded new source and replayed the quest. First thing I noticed was that there are runes on the floor, and if in one of the room there was a glowing room after activating the switches, the same rune can be activated in the next rooms.
In the first room I've randomly picked a switch. In the next one I was watching at a wall and noticed, that two of the switches were on the same lines of tiles as curtains, so I turned them on - and it worked. Another room - I could look on the floor and picked switches, which were close to some rune. Basically - in the first three rooms just look on the floor and choose switches, which have a rune nearby.
I still couldn't find a pattern for the last room. There are 8 switches placed in pairs. I've noticed that if there was a torch right in front of the switch, then I shouldn't touch this one, but the second one - but it could be applied only for two pairs of switches - I'm not sure why should I choose other switches, which opened the door... Maybe it's just my problem and I can't see a solution and maybe I was too harsh in the previous post. Maybe if someone would explain this to me, then I'll probably smack myself in the forehead and say "Of course!". For now, I'm not complaining anymore about that :)
And thanks for that book with the drawings of the beast :) That's a small touch, but it's something I wanted to see.
Now something off-topic. I was playing for a short while close to a friend of mine. When I explained him, that it's an open source hack'n slash, which is constantly updated, he asked me why it's not on Steam, or Steam Greenlight, because it looks like it can easily surpass many paid indie games. Have you thought about it?
Hello again. Today I've finally downloaded new Flare source and - of course - I've completed Fort Nasu already. It's always cool to have a new level with unique reward, but I have to say that I'm finding touching all these switches very tedious. I remember that in alpha demo there was such a level, where touching the right switch opened the door, and touching the wrong one resulted in player's immediate death - and It was cool, because there were clues to help player choose the right switch.
When I got to the last room and found out that there are 8 switches, I just wanted to leave this place.
Maybe I didn't found any clues, maybe there are some hidden in this Fort, but if that's not the case, I propose to put there some little map with puzzle, for example.
I've just finished additional two levels and sidequests, which were recently added - levels are nice, especially "Mog Cavern". Unfortunatelly, I had to look for notes like a blind - on Android notes can't be read.
By the way - I bought myself a 7" tablet - targeting is much easier and more forgiving in comparision with 4" smartphone. It has quad proccessor, but only 512MB RAM, so loading a saved game takes about 10 seconds.
I'm sorry about that XP report - that was entirely my mistake - I just took one "1" from 1106...
I'm attaching screenshots about previous problems -
1) minotaur could be hit with "burn" skill and he could not move
2) part of character model is being covered by ruined tower's graphics