Having been politely informed of site policy and been given an easy way to remedy the problem, you have decided not to honor site policy, despite the fact that I've offered to set up the functionality you wanted.
You feel like my request that you upload your content is "penalizing you".
You apologize for the above.
Did I miss anything?
For the record, you have succedded in making me look (and feel) like a jerk for politely asking you to do something that is frankly pretty obvious (that is, when you go to submit art, actually submit the art).
You may consider the previous comment to be written notification of site policy.
Also, make sure to do a make clean if you run into build problems.
Did run an OS update lately? I remember your OS's build environment being misconfigured; maybe they broke something else. If you're setting your QMAKESPEC environment variable correctly and it's not reading it, you might want to ask people who support either your OS or Qt.
I disabled the offending module, which wasn't being used for anything anyway (also disabled another module I wasn't using). Hopefully that'll clear up the error.
So, to summarize what you just said:
Did I miss anything?
For the record, you have succedded in making me look (and feel) like a jerk for politely asking you to do something that is frankly pretty obvious (that is, when you go to submit art, actually submit the art).
You may consider the previous comment to be written notification of site policy.
Thank you,
As can be seen the delete thing apparently does not work.
Why not?
also, try going doing this from the root of the repository:
grep -r "
usr/lib64/qt4/mkspecs" *
It may take a little while, but if there's a file that contains that path, that might be the problem.
Looks reasonable to me.
Maybe try setting your qmake environment variable with qmake -set
Also, make sure to do a make clean if you run into build problems.
Did run an OS update lately? I remember your OS's build environment being misconfigured; maybe they broke something else. If you're setting your QMAKESPEC environment variable correctly and it's not reading it, you might want to ask people who support either your OS or Qt.
Oh jeez, I should have looked at what forum I was on before I replied. Sorry Clint, didn't mean to stop on your toes there. :)
We definitely would like the whole mesh, if possible. :)
If there's something giving the impression that we just want renders, let me know and I'll fix it.
I disabled the offending module, which wasn't being used for anything anyway (also disabled another module I wasn't using). Hopefully that'll clear up the error.
Combat is mouse based for the moment. Keyboard support will be added. Leveling up and saving are not implemented yet.
I removed the offending code. I probably won't use it again until qt5 comes out, and it's integrated into qt5 so there shouldn't be a dependency.