I like your idea,the best inspiration would be the bug system is since it kinda works the same
Maybe the ticket system would have a severty value which will show how important it is to be "fixed" to achive the next level while the other are considered refinements?
I like the idea of degrees of completeness rather than scales
For moderating make a section where long time contributors can give suggestions to new works if we outgrow the phase where moderators can't handle them
However I do suggest another degree of completeness as "part" in which it can be use with other models or used as a derivate other models and don't quite deserve the title of WIP or Abandoned even if it currently can't be use in games
If you are making something simple keep it lowpoly
Only detailed objects with good topolpogly should have high poly counts otherwise your wasting polys for no reason
I like your idea,the best inspiration would be the bug system is since it kinda works the same
Maybe the ticket system would have a severty value which will show how important it is to be "fixed" to achive the next level while the other are considered refinements?
I like the idea of degrees of completeness rather than scales
For moderating make a section where long time contributors can give suggestions to new works if we outgrow the phase where moderators can't handle them
However I do suggest another degree of completeness as "part" in which it can be use with other models or used as a derivate other models and don't quite deserve the title of WIP or Abandoned even if it currently can't be use in games
A resorce request page with the art there looking for categorized by projects
Liquid Awesome!
You might want to look into topology since this is the blood and guts of a good character mesh
http://www.polycount.com/forum/index.php and its wiki have allot of info on good topology
I also suggest adding to the licence CC-BY-SA since LGPL I belive is incompatible with it
If you shed some polys and tweak the geometry I belive it can be pretty good in 2-4 itterations
Also of note is that ingames you absolutely should use some triangles in some cases if it can shed polygons
The previews are barely visible,put a light gray on the background
Can you post wires?
Link is broken
There is no difference between game animation and movie animation,rig wise,only time wise