I understand being busy and excited for the games release, but you should know that distributing the game without giving proper attribution is technically a violation of the asset's licenses. I'm not trying to be a cop here, but you should try to get your credits listed as soon as possible. I'm confident all the artists are understanding and happy to see their assets being used in your game. The assets are free, but the agreement is that you give credit any time you distribute a game and- if any of the artists decided to be a stickler for the rules- you've exposed yourself to some legal trouble until the credits page is in the game.
Currently, I have not added any credit section in game. I will add it later on, it is work in progress.
"later on" should never be after you've released it to the public.
Yes. @bretbernhoft: Please use an audio file as the first preview. Although the album art is interesting, people can't listen to it and it appears as if you are sharing graphical art instead of a sound effect.
EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Besides that, thanks for sharing. This is a haunting effect. How was it made?
I believe you may be misunderstanding your responsibility with regards to the asset licenses and attribution. You are NOT required to inform the authors that you are using their assets. You ARE required to give them attribution in your game (not on OpenGameArt). This means listing the author, the asset, the license, and a link to the asset page in your game's credits file or credits screen. "Attribution" does not mean listing a link to your game on the asset page.
It is often polite to let the author know that you are using their asset in your game, but you posted 126 messages with a copy-and-paste template including a link to your game and a large advertisement-like image. This is difficult for the spam filter to distinguish as a heart-felt thanks to authors. The removal of your comments was automated and temporary. They aren't deleted, just hidden for now. In the future, if you are going to post a large volume of comments like this, I would recommend something more brief, such as "Thanks for sharing this. I used it in my game. Visit my profile page for a link to it."
"...Therefore, I leave it up to OpenGameArt to inform its customers/users about what has been done..." "...Assim, deixo sob total responsabilidade da OpenGameArt informar aos seus clientes/usuários a respeito do que foi feito e retirado do ar..."
This is incorrect. It is still your responsibility to adhere to the terms of the licenses, it is not OGA's responsibility. However, notifying the author and other users that you are using the asset is not a requirement of any license. You should be notifying your players which assets and licenses were used in your game, not the authors of the assets.
Again, it is sometimes polite to inform the author's as well as your players, but informing the authors is not what the licenses require, and it should be done in a way that doesn't look like spam. We are happy to help in this regard if you have any other questions.
Looks good! Can't wait to try it!
I understand being busy and excited for the games release, but you should know that distributing the game without giving proper attribution is technically a violation of the asset's licenses. I'm not trying to be a cop here, but you should try to get your credits listed as soon as possible. I'm confident all the artists are understanding and happy to see their assets being used in your game. The assets are free, but the agreement is that you give credit any time you distribute a game and- if any of the artists decided to be a stickler for the rules- you've exposed yourself to some legal trouble until the credits page is in the game.
"later on" should never be after you've released it to the public.
bumped for new content
Wonderful. I hope you continue to share them! :)
Yes. @bretbernhoft: Please use an audio file as the first preview. Although the album art is interesting, people can't listen to it and it appears as if you are sharing graphical art instead of a sound effect.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Besides that, thanks for sharing. This is a haunting effect. How was it made?
I believe you may be misunderstanding your responsibility with regards to the asset licenses and attribution. You are NOT required to inform the authors that you are using their assets. You ARE required to give them attribution in your game (not on OpenGameArt). This means listing the author, the asset, the license, and a link to the asset page in your game's credits file or credits screen. "Attribution" does not mean listing a link to your game on the asset page.
It is often polite to let the author know that you are using their asset in your game, but you posted 126 messages with a copy-and-paste template including a link to your game and a large advertisement-like image. This is difficult for the spam filter to distinguish as a heart-felt thanks to authors. The removal of your comments was automated and temporary. They aren't deleted, just hidden for now. In the future, if you are going to post a large volume of comments like this, I would recommend something more brief, such as "Thanks for sharing this. I used it in my game. Visit my profile page for a link to it."
This is incorrect. It is still your responsibility to adhere to the terms of the licenses, it is not OGA's responsibility. However, notifying the author and other users that you are using the asset is not a requirement of any license. You should be notifying your players which assets and licenses were used in your game, not the authors of the assets.
Again, it is sometimes polite to inform the author's as well as your players, but informing the authors is not what the licenses require, and it should be done in a way that doesn't look like spam. We are happy to help in this regard if you have any other questions.
If you want your game to have food that actually looks like food, seek out Dream Search Repeat.
Eeee! Wonderful. If you don't object, I would like to bump this to the front page for the new content.
Then there is no issue with this asset. Thank you for clearing that up. And thank you for sharing this. :)
Created from scratch. Then how was the original used in recreating it?
Gorgeous work!