The specific license isn't the issue. As I said, the conditions in your attribution instructions are incompatible with ALL the licenses on OGA. What needs to change is the conditions forbidding redistribution and resale.
Jaidyn is correct. Redistribution and resale are neccessary features of free/ibre licenses. Forbidding them is incompatible with all the licenses on OGA, and renders the assets effectively unusable from a legal standpoint.
@Mushra Games; would you be willing to omit that restriction? Until then I must mark this submission as having a licensing issue in order to prevent people from using it in a way you may not approve of.
I recommend OGA-BY. It requires people to credit you and link back here wherever they use it. Pretty hard for someone to claim it's theirs when they are linking back here and saying "Saa_Matt made this". Let me know if you have any questions about licenses. We're happy to help.
There should be no hashmarks in the tags. It makes them unsearchable. They are not related to twitter tags. Additionally, tags like "Game" and "music" are kind of pointless. Everything on the site is for games, and this asset is already categorized as music.
Party_lollipop and Lolipop_chiptune seem like they go well together. Why not have them as one submission with two songs?
The attribution notice you have: "...just don't change the document and obviously don't register it as yours..." What document? The file type? Please know that CC0 allows people to change the song in any way they wish, including the removal or alteration of metadata. That condition is essentially unenforcable. Would you be willing to alter or remove that part to avoid confusion? Until then, I have to disable downloads to prevent people from using this file in a way you may not approve of. The same applies to
Ouch! So you definitely are familiar with this pain. I would like to say "come help! We need your skills", but I doubt you want to do more of your day job as hobby volunteer work. Death's Darling (aka ElizaWy) is making some pretty big strides on a replacement OGA framework (PHP, but not Drupal), so if you are interested, we'll meet up and talk about next steps. No pressure though.
What I meant was, the difficulty lies in the entanglement of outdated framework needing outdated PHP. There is nothing I am aware of about the server hardware/OS that prevents modern PHP versions from being used, but this statement...
"it probably wouldn't be too hard to replace Drupal's internal mail functionality with something more up-to-date without fully upgrading Drupal."
... is incorrect, unfortunately. Modern PHP breaks nearly every part of drupal 7 and the modules it uses. It is filled with deprecated functions and now-forbidden datatype uses. Replacing just the mail functionality would still leave every other part of the site busted. We can't tell the mail functionality to use PHP 7+, but tell everything else to keep using PHP 5. Which means all parts of the site have to be overhauled to work with modern PHP, or the whole site has to keep using outdated PHP.
"Your title and preview images must be descriptive of the content you actually uploaded. Specifically, if what you uploaded is a sample of a larger pack, the preview image must describe the art you actually uploaded to OGA, and not the additional art that you are advertising. It is fine to link to the larger pack in your description."
Unfortunately, saying "Not everything appears in images is present on asset pack." is not sufficient. Either the content missing from the preview must be added to the download, or any content not present in the download must be removed from the preview here.
The specific license isn't the issue. As I said, the conditions in your attribution instructions are incompatible with ALL the licenses on OGA. What needs to change is the conditions forbidding redistribution and resale.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Jaidyn is correct. Redistribution and resale are neccessary features of free/ibre licenses. Forbidding them is incompatible with all the licenses on OGA, and renders the assets effectively unusable from a legal standpoint.@Mushra Games; would you be willing to omit that restriction? Until then I must mark this submission as having a licensing issue in order to prevent people from using it in a way you may not approve of.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
Any time. Sounds good! Thanks.
I recommend OGA-BY. It requires people to credit you and link back here wherever they use it. Pretty hard for someone to claim it's theirs when they are linking back here and saying "Saa_Matt made this". Let me know if you have any questions about licenses. We're happy to help.
"Mutagen Dusk"
Nice tune. I like it.
A few issues, though:There should be no hashmarks in the tags. It makes them unsearchable. They are not related to twitter tags. Additionally, tags like "Game" and "music" are kind of pointless. Everything on the site is for games, and this asset is already categorized as music.The attribution notice you have: "...just don't change the document and obviously don't register it as yours..." What document? The file type? Please know that CC0 allows people to change the song in any way they wish, including the removal or alteration of metadata. That condition is essentially unenforcable. Would you be willing to alter or remove that part to avoid confusion? Until then, I have to disable downloads to prevent people from using this file in a way you may not approve of. The same applies to Fixed, thanks! :)
Bumped for new content.
Ouch! So you definitely are familiar with this pain. I would like to say "come help! We need your skills", but I doubt you want to do more of your day job as hobby volunteer work. Death's Darling (aka ElizaWy) is making some pretty big strides on a replacement OGA framework (PHP, but not Drupal), so if you are interested, we'll meet up and talk about next steps. No pressure though.
What I meant was, the difficulty lies in the entanglement of outdated framework needing outdated PHP. There is nothing I am aware of about the server hardware/OS that prevents modern PHP versions from being used, but this statement...
... is incorrect, unfortunately. Modern PHP breaks nearly every part of drupal 7 and the modules it uses. It is filled with deprecated functions and now-forbidden datatype uses. Replacing just the mail functionality would still leave every other part of the site busted. We can't tell the mail functionality to use PHP 7+, but tell everything else to keep using PHP 5. Which means all parts of the site have to be overhauled to work with modern PHP, or the whole site has to keep using outdated PHP.
Those previews are great,
but I believe what Basto is saying is; the preview needs to accurately reflect what people are downloading here.Per site submission guidelines:Unfortunately, saying "Not everything appears in images is present on asset pack." is not sufficient. Either the content missing from the preview must be added to the download, or any content not present in the download must be removed from the preview here.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)