@Danimal I am trying to find out if the Flare engine could support higher resolution item icons / 128 x 128 pixel icons to better keep up with the march of time and make Flare look better: https://github.com/flareteam/flare-game/issues/879 (although I am currently good at crashing the menus but perhaps I can get there with enough gusto XD)
I think Hades looks okay, nothing to crazy but not horrible. For myself it comes off a bit bland / run of the mill with some wacky colours and anime / 'bad modern western themes' / tones where it pulls out of reality / makes bad logic in a few spots. 5-6/10 +1 for gameplay; so without thinking 7/10 but with big brain mode 5/10 so 6/10 or 3/5 stars. Not bad but far from great.
If the input was translated to a gamepad or some other kind of option like that. Out of the box Flare has no Fitbit capability unless it is basically a small computer and even then it is not viable. I think Unity has more hokey input set ups and it has more options for one can make custom inputs for instance VR. Or if you get really stuck just pay some dev on freelancer who knows how to code for Unity. Flare in general is optimized / specialized for PC; everything is built around PC expectations; even the gamepad control system is for PC.
@Paul Wortmann What elements of your favourite RPGs do you like and what elements of them do you not like / wish were done better and in what specific way(s)? Do you have a wish list of gameplay expectations / desires / a wish list for a game made in the Flare Engine? If so could you tell how all of that could look like for a player's experience potentially?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5NpF41fGiY&list=PLoOHsn__MBA8XmkjHS0NSa... I liked watching through this classic everquest playthrough by Flatts with his Iksar Monk on Project1999. Although I had a limited stint on P99 I did get my own personal classic EQ server to explore the world in. I think classic Everquest is a bit clunky but it has some really cool aspects in the world; like how the Qeynos is built out together with distinct and memorable parts and how the sewers and underground aspects and hidden areas / little secrets really added some spicy content with lots of mystery and things and places to wonder about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAyxdS1SSoo (Also these get honourable mentions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqhvTlR1WSc + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fCvU5Jbipw ) I love this kind of world depth / mystery / attention to detail and general 'depth' of the content / lots of unique / quirky thought invested into trying to improve the quality of the whole work / video game / medieval fantasy world.
@MedicineStorm "RE: pandering & contrived - ah, pandering to sexualized content. Yes, ok... however, you lost me about halfway through the paragraph here. What does the historical rape and torture have to do with pandering or "contrived worlds"?"
Contrived is a powerful world; it can be used to show where a deep fundamental lie is hiding; yet only if one knows what a deeper and more powerful truth is. Or at least try to understand a deeper understanding than what constructs many superficial structures of convenience. Of which that ultimately when pressed to serve in the trenches of hell, crumble like egg shells to an iron fist. Yet truth like a diamond is made more clear under pressure. It becomes crystal clear under absolute pressure and or perhaps even sheer adversity. So many people crumble when put in the vice of adversity; even people who may look strong on the outside. Yet a only a few out of dozens are turned into diamond on the inside and break the vice of adversity. Even those who look weak on the outside may become the most capable of people when transformed under the absolute pressure of the vice of adversity. This is the potential of character.
So, it is important to understand history to understand fiction, it is also important to understand fiction to understand history to see who is probably full of B.S.. You can't detect a lie if you can't tell a ~'good' / believable lie. Sometimes people would rather believe a perfect lie than to believe an ugly truth; because HUMANITY. Truth is stranger than fiction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWmhRSAcWkI. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling your baby did not die, a changeling took it and you don't have to bare the soul crushing reality of being a failed parent in a brutal world because 'actually' the baby is living but away from people in a secret fairly land... Verses, yeah your baby died at 3 months in and we don't know why and that is in fact your dead baby you have to bury and not a transformed log to look like a dead baby. You can see the abject brutal emotional trauma that our world is based upon if a person takes on responsibility for their actions and of everyone else around them; it is not 'fair' but if you want unreasonable results you must become an unreasonable person in at least terms of willpower. So in fiction if it is used as an escape / coping mechanism than its' world is a lie to hide an ugly truth and or sets of ugly truths and is fundamentally at its core morally bankrupt and unable to strike at the heart of hearts of people. For at the very foundation of the typical contrived fictional world is the forfeit of the headwaters of 'the ability of humanity to conquer pure evil' and or being within a state of nigh perpetual existence of moral defeat of the self in being not 'worthy to bear the existential weight of the fire of god' / a deliberate moral refusal to stop participating in the 'lie' and stop being a loser and in real life become something apart of something greater than yourself (something like that). You can't put the deep / moving experiences of your ~'soul' / life into something if you have no deep / moving experiences within your ~'soul' / life. Losers can't win because they are unable to sacrifice properly. Also and or they do not take the necessary, significant and non-trivial steps to willingly overcome adversity. Instead losers are found waiting for adversity to bite them in the ass at 3 AM drunk off their over self-pitty and uselessness in the arena of life; and then the losers blame anyone and anything but themselves. So because of this I find it necessary to tell of the abject horrors of real life to better understand the beast of reality without a coping mechanism; like a spiritual 'changeling' / belief in a perfect / convenient lie to throw off the sacrifices necessary to properly become responsible in my own life. That is so that when I go to craft a hopefully transformative challenge (so hard that one is never the same again when they are 'victorious') I know what the hell I am doing; and not wasting everyone's time and hope. How can one describe a rainbow if one is blind? How can one describe what pizza tastes like without having taste? How can I give a fictional world that is ultimately an illusion based upon real life with real people participating, the ability to host real intrigue and real challenge? How can I 'play god' without being a massive failure or at least make something worth people's time and hope and is worth playing if I am without being knowledgeable of real life intrigue and moreover real life difficulty / adversity? That is why historical rape and torture have *everything* to do with pandering or "contrived worlds". This is because they are some of the ugliest truths in life and some of the worst horrors of known existence within our shared human experience hosted via reality; and if I cannot stand up to the objective realities of life nor can my life's work of my shared dreams.
I wonder how many different biomes / unique features of the land / world / structures and settlements, varied dungeon layouts and unique enemy types and how many options of consequences for how many (hopefully) memorable encounters are ~'needed' / desired; to reach a point where the world / game feels ~'alive' / close to an expected / believable representation of how an ~'ideal' / proper medieval fantasy world should / ought to be represented within a digital media such as video games, films, books etc.? What is the critical mass / tipping point to take a 7/10 R.P.G. into a 8/10 or 9/10 R.P.G. for I really struggle to properly in full / in an entirely understand all elements with great clarity in how an R.P.G. can be worth playing for the community at large, stand the test of time and become an irrefutable masterpiece? What are the sources of high quality player experience?
@Minus Dungeon Games I put a lot of work into that ~'work'(?) / comprehensive ~'divine structure' and I pretty much read through all of Wikipedia on religion and most mythology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pantheons + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En%C5%ABma_Eli%C5%A1 + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legendary_creatures_by_type Lots more off of Wikipedia like listening to Native Americans and their legends and stuff just that is esoteric and off the beaten path as well. I also did a sort of meditation / used dreams but being awake to think more abstract / creative in parts as well so there is some funky originality from the aether / void / where ever dreams come from. Perhaps one could say I used a sort of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%93%C3%B0r and a lot of trial and error and iterations over the years / decades; iterate, iterate, iterate. Also: have you ever read roger zelazny's amber books? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Amber these? If so then I have not. Yet I probably have seen some fan art or something and not noticed where it was from. I wonder how many things I could be inspired from and it is refreshing to find potentially new things to learn from or at least reflect upon.
2 and 5 plus 4 (well all of the answers really but mostly 2 and 5 and a bit of 4). I ran out of brain power a fraction the way through. I am still not 100% confident in how I feel about my answers in how close they reflect how I feel (there is not enough ~'emotional bandwidth' here to give proper answes and it sucks) in my heart of hearts but this is what we get today I suppose. Also to the length of answer kind of has to be readable so if I ramble on too long I kind of win the battle but lose the war.
5. I have lots of points yet if I had to touch upon them briefly I would say that lots of women do play video games, millions of women play R.P.G.s yet there is a noticeable 'gap' in the content in R.P.G.s where the end game is bias towards challenges more typically populated by men. Which I feel is a shortcoming not in women but a lack of content / reflection of humanity within the game world. I want to not make a big list of complaints for it would be long and taxing to read and feel quite negative probably and I would like to bring about more positive outcomes for the effort towards the community; optimize existence not pessimize existence.
5. Again, I feel there is a lot of untapped potential with women and video games. It seems odd to myself that history is made of women and men yet in most R.P.G.s the most critical and deepest parts of progression are usually all vastly populated my men by natural interest. Yet empires and wars were run and managed and lost and won and vast throngs of human history is founded upon women being responsible successfully in very challenging circumstances; that laid the foundation of macro and micro life in their times and long after (Queen Victoria comes to mind).
5. Extra, I feel the current state of most R.P.G.s kind of fails to manifest this balance / area of intrigue and purpose / challenge that is naturally populated by the interests of men and women alike. I find this most unnatural and it really bugs myself. I find it sad / kind of dead on the inside to find games where all of the easy challenges and roles and 'base game' are populated by women and men yet there is a distinct failing of the world to naturally allow human interest / ~'bring out the human spirit' (something like that) in women and to also go beyond just killing things over and over; death and life are two sides of the same coin. I think Minecraft and Stardew Valley even Pokemon do these things where its not just death death death.
5. (Edit: Oh god what I have done / here we go again with the bible wall of text: Basically I wish that in popular culture that men and women could be viewed differently yet capable of achieving same potential to conquer extremely difficult challenges if they both undergo the same sacrifices. Adversity is the only thing that grows character; and adversity is not sexist it hits everything equally) Men and women are different yet are the same; although the potential to succeed in high difficulty is possible with both men and women (soviet women on the Eastern Front can attest to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_women_in_World_War_II ). Also it is kind of really boring / lop sided with only bits of the games where men naturally invested ungodly amounts of time in an R.P.G. yet lots of other areas / type of progression (e.g. not constantly killing things over and over in a slaughterfest) are neglected and I think tentatively that most women around the world alive and dead would rather not be in a fight to the death as a profession yet many men have done these things (like roughly around ~1 in 100 men verse ~1 in 10,000 women), perhaps because of the biological bias that men cannot become pregnant and thus can be less expensive to a civilization as a whole to ~'sacrifice' men to war / chaos than women (lose 90% of the women, get ~10% of the kids, lose 90% of the men you still get 100% of the kids with polygamy and yet with ~10% of the genetic diversity; because incest is bad X.X). This is an ugly, ugly part of humanity / human history and I wish this was not taboo to talk about. Yet there is a great inequality in biological opportunity for women verses men (meaning mostly physically); like some one has to have the babies, people keep dying and people need to be born and young to middle age people pay all the taxes / run the show effectively (a person gets 40 ~'good' years 20-60 to work before being ~'bad' at working / costly to exist on society). Being pregnant is very expensive biologically and globally around the world all women on average start having more and more issues having children past 35 and just naturally cannot have kids past their 50's. Which is really bad today because basically everyone (90+% of people above the poverty line globally) are in debt up to thier 40's or 50's+ and can't afford kids responsibly within their financial means (but that is a tangent so it gets truncated here). Most people in humanity's ~300,000 year history only lived on average to 20-30? It is almost like our bodies don't expect us to live past 30 and front end load the most productive parts in that 20-30 year window and after ~30-35 your body starts a slow and arduous process of dying while alive / aging (unlike hydras which are effectively immortal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_immortality almost lobsters too). Life without civility is unequivocally brutal. Our ancestors had one hell of a journey to get to where everyone one alive today is an unbroken biological chain stretching back from the dawn of time immemorial, hailing from people who lived, struggled just enough to have kids strong enough to keep having kids and then not quite know why we are here and then die. Life back in the day was hard and messy and the struggle of the ancestors should be highly respected given that at times it is a miracle that we even exist. It is hard to live and easy to die. Biology is a hell of a thing and the differences of men and women are not random but serve a purpose (if not an antiquated purpose in some cases in modern life, thank god for birth control). Yet say you have some kids (a biologically successful human being has kids, and is not a biological DNA dead end) Dad dies of one of 10,000 things, kids are starving now what do you do? Let the kids die or adapt, or rise to the occasion? Same thing with Mom, if she dies same things apply to Dad. Maybe this is why men and women can do the same things yet also why kids raised in broken families suffer from single parentage in mental development (also less resources and kids are expensive no matter what era of human history). Also having no real Dad and or Mom kind of sucks it turns out for the kids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_figure + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maternal_deprivation God help the poor bastard who has no mother and is loved by no one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans#Conditions_in_orphanages . I am getting a bit off track. Men and women are different because history and life is hard and we inherited stone age biology in a modern reality world. Yet I feel this difference is not being treated properly / applied to its full potential and I feel there is a lack in ~'having the entire picture' of humanity with both masculine and feminine elements that comprise the medieval fantasy worlds and or interactive hero's / heroine's journey. I am aware of this 'heroine's journey' of taming the uncivilized man and all that with the Vampires, Pirates, Billionaire etc, but I refuse to believe that is the same thing as what is found in deep progression in R.P.G.s for it is so basic and misses a lot of fun and emotional development and ~'human depth' and it just seems like its missing some kind of point I am struggling to properly articulate; like underselling the emotional depth of potential in women like putting a square peg through a round hole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8ePDKlF6T0 + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w5x04l9S-o . If I am wrong on this then life has one wicked sense of humour for my god that would be insanely tragic. As in to a significant degree my most valued of my life's works would feel like a sad joke in where I am wrong to believe that women are able in having the same challenge conquering ability as men; yet I think that I am right in believing in the latent potential of all women. As in I strongly (if not outright palpably) believe that women do have equal amounts of potential on average as men. That is what I base my whole video game foundation on that women can be just as good as men in high difficulty situations. Yet I can't be stupid and wash away 300,000 years of human history just because I want to chase an ideal that actively wars with myself. This is not easy to find ways that make peace with the masculine and feminist components of the hero's / heroine's journey and be confident in my execution of these things for I don't have a women's brain nor body. Thus I am effectively at least half blind and this irks myself to no avail that over half of the human world is female yet I am probably blind to many critical feminine psychological things / aspects of life / human existence. It feels as if all that I can do is listen and try to see what works and keep failing until, 'something' works; if nothing works. Yet I think that I can pull this off and make a game (hopefully eventually if I win enough battles with implementing game mechanics, wish myself luck) so both of these parts of humanity can flourish together. So that hopefully there is no latent ~'haunt' upon world with a huge schism / void / a large realistic distance between the interests of men and of the interests of women; hopefully they can ~'live together in harmony'. As it currently seems like in most R.P.G.s today where there is this divide of masculine and feminine in deep progression (intentional or not by the developers) where all too often in an R.P.G. you either kill everything to rule the world or effectively you raise everything to rule the world. I wish you could do both like in world history; perhaps as it should be living in a sort of effective balance / harmony.
I have more thoughts but damn I am running out of room here and I wish that I could say more with less for I feel like a potato that is not even half peeled and I am shown as ready to consume. I feel half baked in my replies and it bugs myself (not as in high, but like the potato analogy; I don't do drugs for there is not enough time to waste today / everyday).
I kind of butchered the rest of the points but yeah I can't just telepathy my understanding into you guys with this so I am sorry but yeah this is very much a half peeled potato on a dinner plate XD.
2. Is kind of like being like: My human experience on everything history + ~video games / medieval fantasy and dev tools = R.P.G. I want to make before I die (hopefully). As a result I am feeling kind of trapped in a huge problem of where I just feel like I suck at communicating my understanding of the world and how things tend to work out in small bite sized pieces that hopefully do something to communicate a fraction of how I feel / think; given this low 'emotional bandwidth' communication medium.
@Danimal I am trying to find out if the Flare engine could support higher resolution item icons / 128 x 128 pixel icons to better keep up with the march of time and make Flare look better: https://github.com/flareteam/flare-game/issues/879 (although I am currently good at crashing the menus but perhaps I can get there with enough gusto XD)
I think Hades looks okay, nothing to crazy but not horrible. For myself it comes off a bit bland / run of the mill with some wacky colours and anime / 'bad modern western themes' / tones where it pulls out of reality / makes bad logic in a few spots. 5-6/10 +1 for gameplay; so without thinking 7/10 but with big brain mode 5/10 so 6/10 or 3/5 stars. Not bad but far from great.
If the input was translated to a gamepad or some other kind of option like that. Out of the box Flare has no Fitbit capability unless it is basically a small computer and even then it is not viable. I think Unity has more hokey input set ups and it has more options for one can make custom inputs for instance VR. Or if you get really stuck just pay some dev on freelancer who knows how to code for Unity. Flare in general is optimized / specialized for PC; everything is built around PC expectations; even the gamepad control system is for PC.
@Paul Wortmann What elements of your favourite RPGs do you like and what elements of them do you not like / wish were done better and in what specific way(s)? Do you have a wish list of gameplay expectations / desires / a wish list for a game made in the Flare Engine? If so could you tell how all of that could look like for a player's experience potentially?
I liked watching through this classic everquest playthrough by Flatts with his Iksar Monk on Project1999. Although I had a limited stint on P99 I did get my own personal classic EQ server to explore the world in. I think classic Everquest is a bit clunky but it has some really cool aspects in the world; like how the Qeynos is built out together with distinct and memorable parts and how the sewers and underground aspects and hidden areas / little secrets really added some spicy content with lots of mystery and things and places to wonder about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAyxdS1SSoo (Also these get honourable mentions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqhvTlR1WSc + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fCvU5Jbipw ) I love this kind of world depth / mystery / attention to detail and general 'depth' of the content / lots of unique / quirky thought invested into trying to improve the quality of the whole work / video game / medieval fantasy world.
"RE: pandering & contrived - ah, pandering to sexualized content. Yes, ok... however, you lost me about halfway through the paragraph here. What does the historical rape and torture have to do with pandering or "contrived worlds"?"
Contrived is a powerful world; it can be used to show where a deep fundamental lie is hiding; yet only if one knows what a deeper and more powerful truth is. Or at least try to understand a deeper understanding than what constructs many superficial structures of convenience. Of which that ultimately when pressed to serve in the trenches of hell, crumble like egg shells to an iron fist. Yet truth like a diamond is made more clear under pressure. It becomes crystal clear under absolute pressure and or perhaps even sheer adversity. So many people crumble when put in the vice of adversity; even people who may look strong on the outside. Yet a only a few out of dozens are turned into diamond on the inside and break the vice of adversity. Even those who look weak on the outside may become the most capable of people when transformed under the absolute pressure of the vice of adversity. This is the potential of character.
So, it is important to understand history to understand fiction, it is also important to understand fiction to understand history to see who is probably full of B.S.. You can't detect a lie if you can't tell a ~'good' / believable lie. Sometimes people would rather believe a perfect lie than to believe an ugly truth; because HUMANITY. Truth is stranger than fiction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWmhRSAcWkI. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling your baby did not die, a changeling took it and you don't have to bare the soul crushing reality of being a failed parent in a brutal world because 'actually' the baby is living but away from people in a secret fairly land... Verses, yeah your baby died at 3 months in and we don't know why and that is in fact your dead baby you have to bury and not a transformed log to look like a dead baby. You can see the abject brutal emotional trauma that our world is based upon if a person takes on responsibility for their actions and of everyone else around them; it is not 'fair' but if you want unreasonable results you must become an unreasonable person in at least terms of willpower. So in fiction if it is used as an escape / coping mechanism than its' world is a lie to hide an ugly truth and or sets of ugly truths and is fundamentally at its core morally bankrupt and unable to strike at the heart of hearts of people. For at the very foundation of the typical contrived fictional world is the forfeit of the headwaters of 'the ability of humanity to conquer pure evil' and or being within a state of nigh perpetual existence of moral defeat of the self in being not 'worthy to bear the existential weight of the fire of god' / a deliberate moral refusal to stop participating in the 'lie' and stop being a loser and in real life become something apart of something greater than yourself (something like that). You can't put the deep / moving experiences of your ~'soul' / life into something if you have no deep / moving experiences within your ~'soul' / life. Losers can't win because they are unable to sacrifice properly. Also and or they do not take the necessary, significant and non-trivial steps to willingly overcome adversity. Instead losers are found waiting for adversity to bite them in the ass at 3 AM drunk off their over self-pitty and uselessness in the arena of life; and then the losers blame anyone and anything but themselves. So because of this I find it necessary to tell of the abject horrors of real life to better understand the beast of reality without a coping mechanism; like a spiritual 'changeling' / belief in a perfect / convenient lie to throw off the sacrifices necessary to properly become responsible in my own life. That is so that when I go to craft a hopefully transformative challenge (so hard that one is never the same again when they are 'victorious') I know what the hell I am doing; and not wasting everyone's time and hope. How can one describe a rainbow if one is blind? How can one describe what pizza tastes like without having taste? How can I give a fictional world that is ultimately an illusion based upon real life with real people participating, the ability to host real intrigue and real challenge? How can I 'play god' without being a massive failure or at least make something worth people's time and hope and is worth playing if I am without being knowledgeable of real life intrigue and moreover real life difficulty / adversity? That is why historical rape and torture have *everything* to do with pandering or "contrived worlds". This is because they are some of the ugliest truths in life and some of the worst horrors of known existence within our shared human experience hosted via reality; and if I cannot stand up to the objective realities of life nor can my life's work of my shared dreams.
I wonder how many different biomes / unique features of the land / world / structures and settlements, varied dungeon layouts and unique enemy types and how many options of consequences for how many (hopefully) memorable encounters are ~'needed' / desired; to reach a point where the world / game feels ~'alive' / close to an expected / believable representation of how an ~'ideal' / proper medieval fantasy world should / ought to be represented within a digital media such as video games, films, books etc.? What is the critical mass / tipping point to take a 7/10 R.P.G. into a 8/10 or 9/10 R.P.G. for I really struggle to properly in full / in an entirely understand all elements with great clarity in how an R.P.G. can be worth playing for the community at large, stand the test of time and become an irrefutable masterpiece? What are the sources of high quality player experience?
@buttons I tried to pay like 5,000 dollars (to start) for a ~'skyrim clone' (more like mount and blade but still) engine prototype on Unity (hell skyrim on Unity that I don't get sued if I make a commercial release from out be all that want / wanted and then more) but after like trying to get 'the wonder team' together and after herding the cats for ~half a year I could not get past broken versions of https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/third-person-c... and https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/third-person-m... before just saying to hell with forums and then heading to https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-c-sharp and then fighting myself to stop suck at coding XD. I still suck at coding; iterate, iterate, iterate.
@Minus Dungeon Games I put a lot of work into that ~'work'(?) / comprehensive ~'divine structure' and I pretty much read through all of Wikipedia on religion and most mythology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pantheons + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En%C5%ABma_Eli%C5%A1 + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legendary_creatures_by_type Lots more off of Wikipedia like listening to Native Americans and their legends and stuff just that is esoteric and off the beaten path as well. I also did a sort of meditation / used dreams but being awake to think more abstract / creative in parts as well so there is some funky originality from the aether / void / where ever dreams come from. Perhaps one could say I used a sort of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%93%C3%B0r and a lot of trial and error and iterations over the years / decades; iterate, iterate, iterate.
Also: have you ever read roger zelazny's amber books? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Amber these? If so then I have not. Yet I probably have seen some fan art or something and not noticed where it was from. I wonder how many things I could be inspired from and it is refreshing to find potentially new things to learn from or at least reflect upon.
2 and 5 plus 4 (well all of the answers really but mostly 2 and 5 and a bit of 4). I ran out of brain power a fraction the way through. I am still not 100% confident in how I feel about my answers in how close they reflect how I feel (there is not enough ~'emotional bandwidth' here to give proper answes and it sucks) in my heart of hearts but this is what we get today I suppose. Also to the length of answer kind of has to be readable so if I ramble on too long I kind of win the battle but lose the war.
5. I have lots of points yet if I had to touch upon them briefly I would say that lots of women do play video games, millions of women play R.P.G.s yet there is a noticeable 'gap' in the content in R.P.G.s where the end game is bias towards challenges more typically populated by men. Which I feel is a shortcoming not in women but a lack of content / reflection of humanity within the game world. I want to not make a big list of complaints for it would be long and taxing to read and feel quite negative probably and I would like to bring about more positive outcomes for the effort towards the community; optimize existence not pessimize existence.
5. Again, I feel there is a lot of untapped potential with women and video games. It seems odd to myself that history is made of women and men yet in most R.P.G.s the most critical and deepest parts of progression are usually all vastly populated my men by natural interest. Yet empires and wars were run and managed and lost and won and vast throngs of human history is founded upon women being responsible successfully in very challenging circumstances; that laid the foundation of macro and micro life in their times and long after (Queen Victoria comes to mind).
5. Extra, I feel the current state of most R.P.G.s kind of fails to manifest this balance / area of intrigue and purpose / challenge that is naturally populated by the interests of men and women alike. I find this most unnatural and it really bugs myself. I find it sad / kind of dead on the inside to find games where all of the easy challenges and roles and 'base game' are populated by women and men yet there is a distinct failing of the world to naturally allow human interest / ~'bring out the human spirit' (something like that) in women and to also go beyond just killing things over and over; death and life are two sides of the same coin. I think Minecraft and Stardew Valley even Pokemon do these things where its not just death death death.
5. (Edit: Oh god what I have done / here we go again with the bible wall of text: Basically I wish that in popular culture that men and women could be viewed differently yet capable of achieving same potential to conquer extremely difficult challenges if they both undergo the same sacrifices. Adversity is the only thing that grows character; and adversity is not sexist it hits everything equally) Men and women are different yet are the same; although the potential to succeed in high difficulty is possible with both men and women (soviet women on the Eastern Front can attest to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_women_in_World_War_II ). Also it is kind of really boring / lop sided with only bits of the games where men naturally invested ungodly amounts of time in an R.P.G. yet lots of other areas / type of progression (e.g. not constantly killing things over and over in a slaughterfest) are neglected and I think tentatively that most women around the world alive and dead would rather not be in a fight to the death as a profession yet many men have done these things (like roughly around ~1 in 100 men verse ~1 in 10,000 women), perhaps because of the biological bias that men cannot become pregnant and thus can be less expensive to a civilization as a whole to ~'sacrifice' men to war / chaos than women (lose 90% of the women, get ~10% of the kids, lose 90% of the men you still get 100% of the kids with polygamy and yet with ~10% of the genetic diversity; because incest is bad X.X). This is an ugly, ugly part of humanity / human history and I wish this was not taboo to talk about. Yet there is a great inequality in biological opportunity for women verses men (meaning mostly physically); like some one has to have the babies, people keep dying and people need to be born and young to middle age people pay all the taxes / run the show effectively (a person gets 40 ~'good' years 20-60 to work before being ~'bad' at working / costly to exist on society). Being pregnant is very expensive biologically and globally around the world all women on average start having more and more issues having children past 35 and just naturally cannot have kids past their 50's. Which is really bad today because basically everyone (90+% of people above the poverty line globally) are in debt up to thier 40's or 50's+ and can't afford kids responsibly within their financial means (but that is a tangent so it gets truncated here). Most people in humanity's ~300,000 year history only lived on average to 20-30? It is almost like our bodies don't expect us to live past 30 and front end load the most productive parts in that 20-30 year window and after ~30-35 your body starts a slow and arduous process of dying while alive / aging (unlike hydras which are effectively immortal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_immortality almost lobsters too). Life without civility is unequivocally brutal. Our ancestors had one hell of a journey to get to where everyone one alive today is an unbroken biological chain stretching back from the dawn of time immemorial, hailing from people who lived, struggled just enough to have kids strong enough to keep having kids and then not quite know why we are here and then die. Life back in the day was hard and messy and the struggle of the ancestors should be highly respected given that at times it is a miracle that we even exist. It is hard to live and easy to die. Biology is a hell of a thing and the differences of men and women are not random but serve a purpose (if not an antiquated purpose in some cases in modern life, thank god for birth control). Yet say you have some kids (a biologically successful human being has kids, and is not a biological DNA dead end) Dad dies of one of 10,000 things, kids are starving now what do you do? Let the kids die or adapt, or rise to the occasion? Same thing with Mom, if she dies same things apply to Dad. Maybe this is why men and women can do the same things yet also why kids raised in broken families suffer from single parentage in mental development (also less resources and kids are expensive no matter what era of human history). Also having no real Dad and or Mom kind of sucks it turns out for the kids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_figure + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maternal_deprivation God help the poor bastard who has no mother and is loved by no one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans#Conditions_in_orphanages . I am getting a bit off track. Men and women are different because history and life is hard and we inherited stone age biology in a modern reality world. Yet I feel this difference is not being treated properly / applied to its full potential and I feel there is a lack in ~'having the entire picture' of humanity with both masculine and feminine elements that comprise the medieval fantasy worlds and or interactive hero's / heroine's journey. I am aware of this 'heroine's journey' of taming the uncivilized man and all that with the Vampires, Pirates, Billionaire etc, but I refuse to believe that is the same thing as what is found in deep progression in R.P.G.s for it is so basic and misses a lot of fun and emotional development and ~'human depth' and it just seems like its missing some kind of point I am struggling to properly articulate; like underselling the emotional depth of potential in women like putting a square peg through a round hole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8ePDKlF6T0 + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w5x04l9S-o . If I am wrong on this then life has one wicked sense of humour for my god that would be insanely tragic. As in to a significant degree my most valued of my life's works would feel like a sad joke in where I am wrong to believe that women are able in having the same challenge conquering ability as men; yet I think that I am right in believing in the latent potential of all women. As in I strongly (if not outright palpably) believe that women do have equal amounts of potential on average as men. That is what I base my whole video game foundation on that women can be just as good as men in high difficulty situations. Yet I can't be stupid and wash away 300,000 years of human history just because I want to chase an ideal that actively wars with myself. This is not easy to find ways that make peace with the masculine and feminist components of the hero's / heroine's journey and be confident in my execution of these things for I don't have a women's brain nor body. Thus I am effectively at least half blind and this irks myself to no avail that over half of the human world is female yet I am probably blind to many critical feminine psychological things / aspects of life / human existence. It feels as if all that I can do is listen and try to see what works and keep failing until, 'something' works; if nothing works. Yet I think that I can pull this off and make a game (hopefully eventually if I win enough battles with implementing game mechanics, wish myself luck) so both of these parts of humanity can flourish together. So that hopefully there is no latent ~'haunt' upon world with a huge schism / void / a large realistic distance between the interests of men and of the interests of women; hopefully they can ~'live together in harmony'. As it currently seems like in most R.P.G.s today where there is this divide of masculine and feminine in deep progression (intentional or not by the developers) where all too often in an R.P.G. you either kill everything to rule the world or effectively you raise everything to rule the world. I wish you could do both like in world history; perhaps as it should be living in a sort of effective balance / harmony.
I have more thoughts but damn I am running out of room here and I wish that I could say more with less for I feel like a potato that is not even half peeled and I am shown as ready to consume. I feel half baked in my replies and it bugs myself (not as in high, but like the potato analogy; I don't do drugs for there is not enough time to waste today / everyday).
I kind of butchered the rest of the points but yeah I can't just telepathy my understanding into you guys with this so I am sorry but yeah this is very much a half peeled potato on a dinner plate XD.
2. Is kind of like being like: My human experience on everything history + ~video games / medieval fantasy and dev tools = R.P.G. I want to make before I die (hopefully). As a result I am feeling kind of trapped in a huge problem of where I just feel like I suck at communicating my understanding of the world and how things tend to work out in small bite sized pieces that hopefully do something to communicate a fraction of how I feel / think; given this low 'emotional bandwidth' communication medium.