pennomi, the last two numbers on event location are the tile width and tile height size of the activation area. The location (x,y) is actually the "top-left" corner of the activation rectangle.
- A single square activation might look like 50,50,1,1
- If you want a 3x3 square centered on 50,50 it would be: 49,49,3,3
Side note: each event can have up to 8 actions. Actions are anything that's not type or location. For now, if you want a more complex event you have to overlap two or more events (see the final room of the Complex for a large example). This is silly and unintuitive so I'm going to change the 8-action limit at some point.
pennomi, excellent! I'll go in and add some treasure. The rest is great and just the feel I was going for.
And great job on the goblin shaman, he was a fun little fight.
It should be easy to add baby and queen antlions. I might do that later. I want to add unhatched egg tiles to the map and use events to spawn swarms of baby antlions. But that'll take modeling so I might save it for a deeper level of the cave.
Note: treasure can drop +/-3 levels, on a bell curve % chance (5,10,20,30,20,10,5). So if you place a level 4 treasure, there's a 5% chance of getting a level 1 treasure and a 10% chance of getting a level 6 treasure.
Followup-Note: if the treasure roll determines a treasure of level 0 or below, no treasure is given.
Creatures drop loot based on their creature level, same bell curve math applies. But each creature has a % chance of dropping loot at all, whereas map events always drop treasure as specified.
At some point I will add Powers and Enemy Spawns to events. So a trap room might spawn a load of zombies, or a trap tile might shoot a poison dart at you.
pennomi, yes the cave is meant to be quite harder than everything else.
If I were to arrange the zones linearly by difficulty:
I recommend going into the cave at level 4 or 5.
CyberTroll: glad you enjoyed! pennomi did a great job with the Cave events.
Here's a rough roadmap to Flare Beta:
Added you to:
By the way, "Thane Brimhall" is a kickass name. Sounds like you just crawled out of a mountain with an axe stained with goblin guts.
pennomi, I'll add you to the credits to the game. Do you want to be credited in a specific way?
pennomi, the last two numbers on event location are the tile width and tile height size of the activation area. The location (x,y) is actually the "top-left" corner of the activation rectangle.
- A single square activation might look like 50,50,1,1
- If you want a 3x3 square centered on 50,50 it would be: 49,49,3,3
Side note: each event can have up to 8 actions. Actions are anything that's not type or location. For now, if you want a more complex event you have to overlap two or more events (see the final room of the Complex for a large example). This is silly and unintuitive so I'm going to change the 8-action limit at some point.
If I had to choose two formats, it would be:
1. A format for the purists (either pure data or pure license)
2. Something universal/easy to use for everyone else
So my vote is flac + mp3
Anytime someone wants to submit a Starter Set, contest or not, it will be wildly popular and useful on OpenGameArt!
The surprise events were great! I like how you handled the monster position on one event. And I'll look for a great sound for that other event.
Sure, please send the updated .tmx -- is the update just related to that minecart-room event?
I did miss a couple things in the goblin room the first time around. I might make those activation zones a bit larger.
pennomi, excellent! I'll go in and add some treasure. The rest is great and just the feel I was going for.
And great job on the goblin shaman, he was a fun little fight.
It should be easy to add baby and queen antlions. I might do that later. I want to add unhatched egg tiles to the map and use events to spawn swarms of baby antlions. But that'll take modeling so I might save it for a deeper level of the cave.
Tartos is correct.
Note: treasure can drop +/-3 levels, on a bell curve % chance (5,10,20,30,20,10,5). So if you place a level 4 treasure, there's a 5% chance of getting a level 1 treasure and a 10% chance of getting a level 6 treasure.
Followup-Note: if the treasure roll determines a treasure of level 0 or below, no treasure is given.
Creatures drop loot based on their creature level, same bell curve math applies. But each creature has a % chance of dropping loot at all, whereas map events always drop treasure as specified.
At some point I will add Powers and Enemy Spawns to events. So a trap room might spawn a load of zombies, or a trap tile might shoot a poison dart at you.
A hastily-thrown-together help page for the powers.txt file.