Blender isn't particularly suited for closed maps. E.g. if you have a cube-shaped room and all the normals are facing the middle of the room, editing is annoying because in texture-view mode all you'll see is the black back faces of the walls. Maybe there's a setting I'm not seeing to hide those.
See below, Blender does there is an option to hide back faces.
I will definitely add special entrances/exits. I also want to do ladders up and down.
Tartos: I can experiment with transparent dithering on the black walls. It's a neat idea. I'll have to figure out a pattern that looks okay when tiles are put together.
Also, i'm not seeing the tile alignment issues you mention. Can you post a screenshot showing what you mean? Note, the alignment for the water tiles might be unintuitive. I'll post a tileset def. file soon, and we'll see if it clears up the alignment confusion.
Tartos, I'll post the tileset to OGA as soon as I have it finished. I have lots more to add: stalactite/stalagmite pillars, general ground rubble, water, mine shaft features, etc.
And yes, hopefully I'll have a few cave maps in OSARE v0.11
What we want to do is not simple mirroring. We want to find art that is highly reusable and enthusiastic artists who want their art on OGA.
In fact, that's how I found out about OGA -- someone simply asked me if I minded if my CC-BY-SA art be hosted here. Now I'm a significant contributor and love this community.
A real update to the thread: Jetrel is helping ask about license info for Wesnoth weapon icons. It is definitely a professional-quality set (I absolutely want to use them in osare!).
In my latest Google Code commit, I made a small change to the map format. It is about the Event location (width,height). Before, a 1x1 tile event had a width,height of (0,0). Now it is (1,1) which obviously makes more sense. Basically, add +1 to every event location width and height. I've already converted my current maps.
I might add axes/hammers in the future, but they will probably be based on existing Physical proficiency. E.g. if you can use a Longsword you could also use a Battleaxe. So Axes might just be a visual variation only, at first anyway.
The save.txt file spawn (x,y) is not just the tile, it's exact position. Each tile is 64x64 units. So, for instance, the very middle of tile (1,1) would be at location (96,96). Basically, take the tile you want to start in, multiply by 64, and add 32. Note to self: I should change this, before too many people get attached to their save files.
I can add entrances/exits on the mini-map. It's a good idea.
Yes, enemy names/healthbars will come soon.
You're right, archers have it easy for now. Rather than force the player to have these resources, I might add a new magic missile that costs 0 mana (sort of like shooting a wand in Warcraft). Eventually "Shock" should work like chain lightning and hit multiple creatures. Then, the base attacks (shoot, swing, magic missile) will all cost 0 mana and all the special attacks cost mana. But if I don't like the way that feels, then I'll add quivers for archers.
Hopefully there will be more dangerous creatures in an update coming soon. Enemies will get the abilities to stun, slow, or immobilize the player. And shoot missiles. Hopefully this will make things more interesting.
Yeah, once you get full Magic + Offense there might not be much use to bows. So I should probably make some creatures that only take 1 damage from magic but full damage from physical attacks....
Blender isn't particularly suited for closed maps. E.g. if you have a cube-shaped room and all the normals are facing the middle of the room, editing is annoying because in texture-view mode all you'll see is the black back faces of the walls. Maybe there's a setting I'm not seeing to hide those.
See below, Blender does there is an option to hide back faces.
I will definitely add special entrances/exits. I also want to do ladders up and down.
Tartos: I can experiment with transparent dithering on the black walls. It's a neat idea. I'll have to figure out a pattern that looks okay when tiles are put together.
Also, i'm not seeing the tile alignment issues you mention. Can you post a screenshot showing what you mean? Note, the alignment for the water tiles might be unintuitive. I'll post a tileset def. file soon, and we'll see if it clears up the alignment confusion.
I started it about 12 days ago. Worked on it three separate sessions:
Some of the individual objects I had done already: the minecart/tracks set is something I made a long time ago. Same with the mushrooms.
Amazing how productive I can be after I stopped playing World of Warcraft every free moment :)
If you use a link like this
You can browse a specific user's art. I'm not sure if/where this link appears.
SDL doesn't come with functions to draw primitives out of the box... not even drawing a single pixel!
But people have built primitives-drawing addons for SDL. Example, SDL_Draw
Tartos, I'll post the tileset to OGA as soon as I have it finished. I have lots more to add: stalactite/stalagmite pillars, general ground rubble, water, mine shaft features, etc.
And yes, hopefully I'll have a few cave maps in OSARE v0.11
What we want to do is not simple mirroring. We want to find art that is highly reusable and enthusiastic artists who want their art on OGA.
In fact, that's how I found out about OGA -- someone simply asked me if I minded if my CC-BY-SA art be hosted here. Now I'm a significant contributor and love this community.
A real update to the thread: Jetrel is helping ask about license info for Wesnoth weapon icons. It is definitely a professional-quality set (I absolutely want to use them in osare!).
In my latest Google Code commit, I made a small change to the map format. It is about the Event location (width,height). Before, a 1x1 tile event had a width,height of (0,0). Now it is (1,1) which obviously makes more sense. Basically, add +1 to every event location width and height. I've already converted my current maps.
With Google Code you can do this:
svn checkout osare-read-only
If someone knows a way to set this up differently, let me know. E.g. most people just want to download the /trunk/src and /trunk/resources folders.
CyberTroll, thanks for the feedback!