johndh, I hope to make the attribute/discipline/power system flexible enough to fit several different game types. Currently I'm showing a simple version that has attributes 1-5, combining into disciplines level 2-10, and character level 1-9 for a main quest that lasts about 10-20 hours.
Some ways of extending:
Keep the same system but make the level cap 17. Then one hero could max out every attribute. This has the downside of making every charaacter end up same-ish, so it might be better for an optional mode or second playthrough mode.
Change the Powers pages into a tabbed section with tree/branching choices of powers a la Diablo 2 or Torchlight. Each power could have 3 or 5 power levels purchaseable with points. Then character levels could easily scale up to 100.
I plan to make the engine flexible enough to handle either situation. The reason I'm sticking with a simple system for now is because its possible for 1 guy to create all the assets needed for a game like that.
Anon: because license is important.
Nice. I might use this for a new "crit-death" animation of my Skeletons
I don't think plain SDL has such a function. Surely several SDL addons have it though.
Search the SDL forums, that may lead you to an active addon:
Awesome, good job on finding it.
Hm, nothing obvious. Maybe post the .blend somewhere so we can experiment?
Brandon had the most votes by Friday so he's our winner!
It does look like the Squiggly Tree is popular too so congrats to both entrants.
Make sure those vertices aren't set to two different vertex groups.
Anon, thanks for the tip. I'll be doing more promotion once the engine reaches Beta (maybe Summer 11).
At least in the U.S., I can't find a trademark for Thri-Kreen. Although, IANAL.
Side note, I did find a dead trademark for Draconian. Data East had it. I guess they did a Dragonlance game with TSR back in the day?
Anyway, probably my fault for this thing being named a Thri-Kreen (that's just what it reminds me of). We can rename it if necessary.
johndh, I hope to make the attribute/discipline/power system flexible enough to fit several different game types. Currently I'm showing a simple version that has attributes 1-5, combining into disciplines level 2-10, and character level 1-9 for a main quest that lasts about 10-20 hours.
Some ways of extending:
I plan to make the engine flexible enough to handle either situation. The reason I'm sticking with a simple system for now is because its possible for 1 guy to create all the assets needed for a game like that.