ceninan you should post a write-up (with code) of what you found about the .spe file format. Don't know what other old art might be locked away in .spe format
Command 1: open the file ant.spe (or whatever .spe file you want) in spaint (this is done via command line)
spaint ant.spe
Command 2: inside spaint, write out all these image files to PCX format
hit / to bring up the command menu, and input:
with all write_pcx
The result is a bunch of indexed image that can be opened in GIMP. The color at index 0 is the background and can safely be deleted or made transparent. The images seem to be exported at a larger size (320x240) so they would also need to be cropped to be useful.
It will be a bit tedious but I should be able to get all the images as PCX. Then it's a matter of more scripting or tedious work to combine the images into sprite sheets.
the ImageMagick script I used:
montage -trim -geometry "1x1<" * sprites.png
Then in GIMP I convert any white or black-index-0 areas to alpha 0.
I like this idea. I have commissions I'd like done for my game, and routing that through OGA makes sense for me.
One concern I have: what to do about poor-quality art? If someone tries to fulfill a request and their art doesn't meet the requester's standard, what happens? What if 20 people go after a nice bounty and only 1 wins it? Maybe we need to assign bounties to a specific artist, after that artist requests it and shows via portfolio that they are capable.
>> Really needs a COOP mode once it reaches a more mature state :p
That would be fantastic. Multiplayer is something I'm not addressing in 1.0, though if the project becomes popular it will be a serious consideration.
>> Have you considered pets, henchmen, or other allies?
I did consider pets. Before I had the antlion attack/death animations working, I made his attack chance 0% and he followed me around like a loyal dog.
Pets/henchment/allies that attack enemies is not currently on my to do list (only cause I rarely use them in games where they're offered). It's something I can always add later.
LFA's magnificent "The Sun" find sweeps this week! Congrats LFA!
Time to vote! We got a lot of great entries this week:
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NASA 3D Resources
Note: these items are not copyrighted (i.e., Public Domain) but you can't use the actual NASA logos any way you want.
Time to vote! Mark the ones that are your Favorite(s). The entry with the most favorites after a few days will be declared the winner!
One perk of winning: you get to declare a future Weekly Challenge! This is great if you have a game project that needs a small boost of art.
biglew, qubodup, here's a helpful link:
ceninan you should post a write-up (with code) of what you found about the .spe file format. Don't know what other old art might be locked away in .spe format
I am working on exporting all the art for Abuse!
The repo at http://abuse.zoy.org/ contains spaint.exe (Satan Paint), a weird little DOS sprite editor. I dug out some documentation on it (see archives at http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/apps/graphics/draw/!INDEX.html ) and found these two crucial commands:
Command 1: open the file ant.spe (or whatever .spe file you want) in spaint (this is done via command line)
spaint ant.spe
Command 2: inside spaint, write out all these image files to PCX format
hit / to bring up the command menu, and input:
with all write_pcx
The result is a bunch of indexed image that can be opened in GIMP. The color at index 0 is the background and can safely be deleted or made transparent. The images seem to be exported at a larger size (320x240) so they would also need to be cropped to be useful.
It will be a bit tedious but I should be able to get all the images as PCX. Then it's a matter of more scripting or tedious work to combine the images into sprite sheets.
the ImageMagick script I used:
montage -trim -geometry "1x1<" * sprites.png
Then in GIMP I convert any white or black-index-0 areas to alpha 0.
amiga500, hopefully this will give you a starting point for development. http://opengameart.org/content/perspective-walls-template
I like this idea. I have commissions I'd like done for my game, and routing that through OGA makes sense for me.
One concern I have: what to do about poor-quality art? If someone tries to fulfill a request and their art doesn't meet the requester's standard, what happens? What if 20 people go after a nice bounty and only 1 wins it? Maybe we need to assign bounties to a specific artist, after that artist requests it and shows via portfolio that they are capable.
>> Really needs a COOP mode once it reaches a more mature state :p
That would be fantastic. Multiplayer is something I'm not addressing in 1.0, though if the project becomes popular it will be a serious consideration.
>> Have you considered pets, henchmen, or other allies?
I did consider pets. Before I had the antlion attack/death animations working, I made his attack chance 0% and he followed me around like a loyal dog.
Pets/henchment/allies that attack enemies is not currently on my to do list (only cause I rarely use them in games where they're offered). It's something I can always add later.