OSARE already allows users to use any tileset without recompiling. I just don't yet have tutorials on how this works. But yes, one of the features of the engine is that it's easy to replace or add to any of the art/sounds.
> Using Blizzards tilesets would be absolutely the wrong thing to do, but I wont get ito it further because I don't think pfunked will entertain the notion
Indeed, one major purpose of OpenGameArt is so that game developers don't have to be tempted to break copyright law by plagiarizing closed-source games.
The points displayed under your name are your total.
Points come in various categories. Posting on the forum is one category of points, adding art has points for 2D, 3D, and sounds.
The only thing I know they go towards is the bronze-silver-gold medal system associated with those category of points. You're bronze in Art Aficionado and Talkative; there's some point threshhold that will earn you Silver, after you Add to Favorites or post to the forums more.
Lamoot, very observant! I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Some things I have on my to-do list already, but others may not be obvious.
- I definitely agree that this tileset is too drab. Consider that "programmer art" that will be replaced. I'd really like to work with a great concept artist on that.
- I've thought of the gradual health bar color, but I've kept it this way so far so that the player gets a visual indication of when he's in trouble. In thick combat, seeing that red health bar might mean he has only a moment to get away or drink a potion. There may be better ways to indicate this (e.g. sound, blinking, etc)
- Stuff like potions, spells, etc. aren't usable yet. But, soon!
I'm glad you feel the core mechanic/gameplay works. That's the most important part for me.
clrg: Makes sense. I'll definitely be adding unicode support at some point in the project. Possibly after I get most abilities/combat done but before quests and dialog? As in, I should make unicode work before doing the really text-heavy parts of the engine. It's each to change the way the simple tooltips and labels work, but the conversation engine might be more work.
Lamoot: Thanks! I'm eager to hear what you think once you try it out.
OSARE already allows users to use any tileset without recompiling. I just don't yet have tutorials on how this works. But yes, one of the features of the engine is that it's easy to replace or add to any of the art/sounds.
> Using Blizzards tilesets would be absolutely the wrong thing to do, but I wont get ito it further because I don't think pfunked will entertain the notion
Indeed, one major purpose of OpenGameArt is so that game developers don't have to be tempted to break copyright law by plagiarizing closed-source games.
Nice meshwork! It fits the theme; would you like to enter this into the "Transportation" Weekly Challenge this week?
And this week's winner is Tabasco!
Here's my entry, a mine cart and tracks set
The points displayed under your name are your total.
Points come in various categories. Posting on the forum is one category of points, adding art has points for 2D, 3D, and sounds.
The only thing I know they go towards is the bronze-silver-gold medal system associated with those category of points. You're bronze in Art Aficionado and Talkative; there's some point threshhold that will earn you Silver, after you Add to Favorites or post to the forums more.
Tabasco, no problem. There's no requirement that the work has to be done in that week. We're just glad that people are submitting quality art!
Time to vote! Vote by using "Add to Favorites"
Judging by our entries, medieval/fantasy is an overwhelmingly popular genre here at OGA!
Lamoot, very observant! I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Some things I have on my to-do list already, but others may not be obvious.
- I definitely agree that this tileset is too drab. Consider that "programmer art" that will be replaced. I'd really like to work with a great concept artist on that.
- I've thought of the gradual health bar color, but I've kept it this way so far so that the player gets a visual indication of when he's in trouble. In thick combat, seeing that red health bar might mean he has only a moment to get away or drink a potion. There may be better ways to indicate this (e.g. sound, blinking, etc)
- Stuff like potions, spells, etc. aren't usable yet. But, soon!
I'm glad you feel the core mechanic/gameplay works. That's the most important part for me.
Thanks for the feedback!
clrg: Makes sense. I'll definitely be adding unicode support at some point in the project. Possibly after I get most abilities/combat done but before quests and dialog? As in, I should make unicode work before doing the really text-heavy parts of the engine. It's each to change the way the simple tooltips and labels work, but the conversation engine might be more work.
Lamoot: Thanks! I'm eager to hear what you think once you try it out.