Danimal - "Replace a shield and render a sword in the left hand, easiest but will feel ugly, only for show."
What is the minimum viable product for this Dual-wielding solution of weapons rendered in the Off-hand?
Render one of each One-handed weapon type to start such as: 1 Sword, 1 Axe, 1 Mace, 1 Dagger, 1 Staff / Rod and 1 Fist Weapon?
How can these animations be created?
I am trying to build out item types and the dual wielding / weapon type solutions to get the gameplay + itemization prototype rolling. Currently this is my best iteration on how to incorporate weapon types and play-styles with itemization:
One/Main-Handed Weapon +100% Damage Two-Handed Weapon +150% Damage Off-Hand Weapon +50% Damage (Shield animations but with One-handed weapon rendered in the Off-hand but increase +Physical Damage like a weapon; even though visually only the Main-hand is attacking).
"It's usually a combination of community ideas/feedback and my own desires for "that game I want to make one day but haven't gotten to yet.""
Could you elaborate / expand / add more detail on this? You have worked on this for years and you probably have a long term vision; which I am curious to better understand.
Could you delve into your perspective / passion / pursuit for "that game I want to make one day but haven't gotten to yet"?
"I am currently working on overhauling the gamepad experience."
Console / Non-PC Support? Potentially for something like Unity multiple platform export features? What kind of ideas orbit around this work?
Goals for 1.13: Event / Enemy properties ~overlap / crossover support. Overhauled gamepad (controller?) support. Floating decimal point support. Arbitrary definition of resources (e.g. HP and MP) support. Fog of War support. -Any more goals?
Thank you for all the work you keep doing with the Flare Engine.
What kind of features are going to be headed for 1.13 / possibly 1.12.1?
How do new versions / patches / releases work?
Are new versions / patches / releases a matter of a lot of new features or is there a time variable?
Is there a list of wish list features to be worked on and then when they are tested / worked on / implemented a new version rolls out?
Is it possible to get a small new version like ~1.12.1 with a new big game building feature like supporting floating point numbers (so more refined itemization can occur / build a new kind of previously non-possible depth / scaling detail of many simultaneous equip-able item types; to support lots of item slots and lots of attribute depth)?
Is it possible to ask for a small patch release like 1.12.1 if there are significant game building features (supporting floating point numbers and the new post 1.12 release features such as the added additional requirement properties to enemy and NPC map objects)?
How is this process of building / working onto the Flare engine and making a new release version play out in general and what usually happens?
Do you play by feel and when ever you have free time / motivation / inspiration / ideas from the community, or is it like going through a wish list and you have a sort of schedule / semi-order / routine you go through; what is your general creative process?
How do you feel when working on Flare / what do you like about Flare and what do you want / strive towards?
Thank you for reading this and I hope things are working out smoothy, if not I hope they get better:-).
What kind of gameplay are you after? What do you like in these kinds of games and what do you wish to avoid? I would like to read more suggestions and feedback from more people aiming towards more opinions on gameplay driving features / types of enjoyable content that people would like to see in general. The more voices the better :-).
Yeah that sounds good Danimal; Also thank you Dorkster for your help and advice :-).
I view my game development as a kind of a working first version commercially viable prototype for setting up a larger scale R.P.G.; I hope XD. If I can get more visuals for the main armour slots that would be great to add more quality and depth to the main driving gameplay element of explore, fight, upgrade and repeat. Even if it is just few a pixels it is like having a working template for a bigger scale game; if I get more resources to make a bigger scale game. It is true that Baldur's Gate and Diablo I and II only had a limited amount of armour visuals per armour slot. Yet still if there are more independent layers or armour customization it adds more quality to Flare. Yet even if I don't manage to get more visual layers, what Flare currently offers still works; it is just limited in that extra layer of high quality.
How hard would it be to add all the one-handed weapon types / models into the off hand to support 'off hand' weapons? Even if off hand weapons just buffing the main hand damage would work even if technically they are a 'shield' / off hand frill. Implementing the visuals of the character dual wielding (even it is just technically attacking with the one weapon in the main hand) is still a success. If a person really wanted to split hairs crafting could be used to translate one-handed weapons into off-hand weapons with enough crafting recipes; and vise versa. At any rate your idea Danimal for 'off hand dual wielding weapons' would be waayyyy easier than paired weapons with a million combinations XD.
It is great to work with people to even just share thoughts and make things better. Especially with the more brain power and more iterations of ideas that brings; it can offer more perspective and ability to further develop ideas into good ideas :-D. I hope some form of dual wielding can get supported (I can pay for extra motivation if need be) to support the spirit of dual wielding game play. Also I hope more independent visual armour slot / types and be developed and supported in Flare.
Also it would be an added bonus of gameplay quality if we had more independent visual armour slots layers to have them help drive a deeper item / equip-able item slot system that is at the heart of the core of gameplay and character progression. In such ways as with having the new item slot types being visually independent interchangeable just like the preexisting main armour slots / types. Even if say visually independent Shoulders armour type / slot were added / supported it would be quite impactful and the player can see a lot of shoulder armour visuals / art.
Although I wonder if in Blender if all the armour layers were hidden minus the independent layer for the new slot type / old armour assets subdivided into new types: - one animation render run being just shoulder armour, - one animation render run being just the torso armour without arms and shoulders, - one animation render run being just shin armour, - one animation render run being just wrist armour, - one animation render run being just the leg armour without shins and waist armour, - one animation render run being just arm (bicep area) armour, - one animation render run being just the feet without shins, - one animation render run being just waist armour (belt / 'plate skirt' area), etc.)
Then ran the preexisting armour animations and and armour models to generate new armour visual layers how hard that process would be? It would require no new animations and art assets (most likely) for one has to just hide armour models in strategic areas minus the new ones / new armour slot areas and run the animations and render-er script(s). This should make the new 2.5D animations with the preexisting armour models for both male and female? Or is there something I am missing that adds extra difficulty? I could pay for this as well if it is matter of motivation / required skill / professionalism.
I am hoping I can help add more item customization / opportunities / depth and play style options. Such as new visually independent armor layers and mechanical and visual implementation / support for dual wielding. I wish to help add to the Flare engine to make the gameplay and character progression deeper. I hope to work towards added features with projects such as this in hopes to add more high quality content opportunities.
I wish to have the Flare R.P.G. engine be rich in gameplay features and be home to amazing wonderous elements of R.P.G.s. Even if they are in a simpler form to work within our scope of game engine with Flare; as like with Danimal's dual wielding idea. Even with simple implementation the main gameplay driving features would still be there to enjoy; yet simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication ;-P. I hope for players to explore a deep and richly enjoyable form of high quality gameplay while they play the games built in the Flare game engine :-).
Hmm, I suppose if all else fails I might have to figure out how to make new animations for Flare in blender with the source model files. A bit of a learning curve but doable. Bit by bit, still I would have to prioritize to make other things work in my R.P.G. first and probably add in dual wielding later. I'd prefer if the animations work could come from some one more talented with 3D animation / art than I but if all else fails I have the potential to succeed. It will mostly likely be a drawn out grind of trial and error; but it is possible.
Who has the skills and ability to implement Dual Wielding into Flare?
Is there anyone or a group pf people of whom I could commission to do this that so everyone could benefit after it is done? I would like this feature for my R.P.G. although if I can also help the community / Flare game engine in general I would love to do so. I just blew like 2K on a game mechanics demo a few months back and now that project is on ice for the team has full time work now.
Also I don't want to butcher the art when there is a better person for the job. If it is a matter of motivation I would rather spend some money helping people make cool things for lots of people rather than just on my own projects alone. I would rather spend money with this kind of community project where everyone can benefit after it is done. Rather than to just spend money where it is only for my game projects and they may or may not even see the light of day after all is said and done for the project.
I can pay in PayPal if there is someone or some people are willing, able and talented enough to do this kind of work. I would love it, everyone else would probably too if we could pull off Dual Wielding support for Flare. Even if it is just the 2.5D animation set for the base Flare male and female character models with all the base weapons and armour sets that would be a success.
Even if the engine has limitations like it has to be considered a two handed weapon but it is called a 'paired weapon set' / Axe + Sword, Hammer + Hammer, Dagger + Axe etc. even if these must be preset built combinations made via crafting two one-handed weapons into a preset technically single item that has both one-handed items made into technically one item (or something) that would work too. That will work, it would be very clunky and inefficient to develop but having that option for support is better than nothing too. Sure it is clunky as all hell but it will still offer that kind of play style to the players and make Flare a more grand / bigger scale game.
I hope that it is just a matter of if we can find the talent and motivation to pull it off. I have a guess that Danimal and maybe Dorkster could team up to do Dual Wielding support for Flare. Although I am not 100% sure on how you guys would be motivated to do so. If you guys can think of how to do this and find a way to make it work well enough within the engine I can pay something reasonable for your guys' time, talent and effort. Please just tell me how long it will take and how hard the it is and I can pay a fair honest price for your work. Even if it is super clunky to start with having even 'combined weapon sets' for a version 1 of Dual Wielding. If we get the animations working and they play fair enough with the game engine to start a working version 1 of Dual Wielding that is still a success.
I wonder how to add in more visual armour slots / types and to what the challenges of such a request would be? There are main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below) yet only some have separate visuals that show up on the player character though. The current main armour slots / types that I use that do not have visuals are as such: Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists. Although the 3D graphics for these separate armour pieces are rendered and are included / combined into armour slots / types such as: Torso having included Shoulders and Arms Hands having included Wrists Legs having included Waist Feet having included Shins.
Is it possible to make more visual armour layers / separate the armour slots / types further to support independent Shoulders, Arms, Wrists, Waist and Shins visible armour slots / types?
These are the main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below) "# Main Armour
[type] id=head name=Head
[type] id=chest name=Torso
[type] id=waist name=Waist
[type] id=legs name=Legs
[type] id=shins name=Shins
[type] id=feet name=Feet
[type] id=shoulders name=Shoulders
[type] id=arms name=Arms
[type] id=wrists name=Wrists
[type] id=hands name=Hands"
Also special mention to Back and Tabard slot / type for these are supposed to be visual armour / clothes that goes with any armour type. Same with Shirt, Pants, Hat and other clothing that can be found under realistic armour. Yet these are extra details and are fine being non-visual in nature. It is the main armour types that already have art work but made into separate independent art layers / slots / types that I am mainly wondering about. Independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists.
Also can speed (at least movement speed) be affected by the floating point numbers? So that I and everyone else can have greater depth with how to tinker with speed values? As in a case like for example with say heavy armour pieces slows a character's movement rate and force a balancing act to play out? Currently it seems that only integers work with movement speed but not like numbers like -1.2% or -0.5 and or +2.7%.
Danimal - "Replace a shield and render a sword in the left hand, easiest but will feel ugly, only for show."
What is the minimum viable product for this Dual-wielding solution of weapons rendered in the Off-hand?
Render one of each One-handed weapon type to start such as: 1 Sword, 1 Axe, 1 Mace, 1 Dagger, 1 Staff / Rod and 1 Fist Weapon?
How can these animations be created?
I am trying to build out item types and the dual wielding / weapon type solutions to get the gameplay + itemization prototype rolling. Currently this is my best iteration on how to incorporate weapon types and play-styles with itemization:
One/Main-Handed Weapon +100% Damage
Two-Handed Weapon +150% Damage
Off-Hand Weapon +50% Damage (Shield animations but with One-handed weapon rendered in the Off-hand but increase +Physical Damage like a weapon; even though visually only the Main-hand is attacking).
"It's usually a combination of community ideas/feedback and my own desires for "that game I want to make one day but haven't gotten to yet.""
Could you elaborate / expand / add more detail on this? You have worked on this for years and you probably have a long term vision; which I am curious to better understand.
Could you delve into your perspective / passion / pursuit for "that game I want to make one day but haven't gotten to yet"?
Hmmn, so you got myself curious about this XD:
"I am currently working on overhauling the gamepad experience."
Console / Non-PC Support? Potentially for something like Unity multiple platform export features? What kind of ideas orbit around this work?
Goals for 1.13:
Event / Enemy properties ~overlap / crossover support.
Overhauled gamepad (controller?) support.
Floating decimal point support.
Arbitrary definition of resources (e.g. HP and MP) support.
Fog of War support.
-Any more goals?
Bug fixes continued...
Tentative date ~November 2021?
Thank you for all the work you keep doing with the Flare Engine.
What kind of features are going to be headed for 1.13 / possibly 1.12.1?
How do new versions / patches / releases work?
Are new versions / patches / releases a matter of a lot of new features or is there a time variable?
Is there a list of wish list features to be worked on and then when they are tested / worked on / implemented a new version rolls out?
Is it possible to get a small new version like ~1.12.1 with a new big game building feature like supporting floating point numbers (so more refined itemization can occur / build a new kind of previously non-possible depth / scaling detail of many simultaneous equip-able item types; to support lots of item slots and lots of attribute depth)?
Or is there a big difficulty releasing a new version so a few new features (like Added additional requirement properties to enemy and NPC map objects ) alone are not worth the effort; what is usually worth the effort?
Is it possible to ask for a small patch release like 1.12.1 if there are significant game building features (supporting floating point numbers and the new post 1.12 release features such as the added additional requirement properties to enemy and NPC map objects)?
How is this process of building / working onto the Flare engine and making a new release version play out in general and what usually happens?
Do you play by feel and when ever you have free time / motivation / inspiration / ideas from the community, or is it like going through a wish list and you have a sort of schedule / semi-order / routine you go through; what is your general creative process?
How do you feel when working on Flare / what do you like about Flare and what do you want / strive towards?
Thank you for reading this and I hope things are working out smoothy, if not I hope they get better:-).
What kind of gameplay are you after? What do you like in these kinds of games and what do you wish to avoid? I would like to read more suggestions and feedback from more people aiming towards more opinions on gameplay driving features / types of enjoyable content that people would like to see in general. The more voices the better :-).
Yeah that sounds good Danimal; Also thank you Dorkster for your help and advice :-).
I view my game development as a kind of a working first version commercially viable prototype for setting up a larger scale R.P.G.; I hope XD. If I can get more visuals for the main armour slots that would be great to add more quality and depth to the main driving gameplay element of explore, fight, upgrade and repeat. Even if it is just few a pixels it is like having a working template for a bigger scale game; if I get more resources to make a bigger scale game. It is true that Baldur's Gate and Diablo I and II only had a limited amount of armour visuals per armour slot. Yet still if there are more independent layers or armour customization it adds more quality to Flare. Yet even if I don't manage to get more visual layers, what Flare currently offers still works; it is just limited in that extra layer of high quality.
How hard would it be to add all the one-handed weapon types / models into the off hand to support 'off hand' weapons? Even if off hand weapons just buffing the main hand damage would work even if technically they are a 'shield' / off hand frill. Implementing the visuals of the character dual wielding (even it is just technically attacking with the one weapon in the main hand) is still a success. If a person really wanted to split hairs crafting could be used to translate one-handed weapons into off-hand weapons with enough crafting recipes; and vise versa. At any rate your idea Danimal for 'off hand dual wielding weapons' would be waayyyy easier than paired weapons with a million combinations XD.
It is great to work with people to even just share thoughts and make things better. Especially with the more brain power and more iterations of ideas that brings; it can offer more perspective and ability to further develop ideas into good ideas :-D. I hope some form of dual wielding can get supported (I can pay for extra motivation if need be) to support the spirit of dual wielding game play. Also I hope more independent visual armour slot / types and be developed and supported in Flare.
Also it would be an added bonus of gameplay quality if we had more independent visual armour slots layers to have them help drive a deeper item / equip-able item slot system that is at the heart of the core of gameplay and character progression. In such ways as with having the new item slot types being visually independent interchangeable just like the preexisting main armour slots / types. Even if say visually independent Shoulders armour type / slot were added / supported it would be quite impactful and the player can see a lot of shoulder armour visuals / art.
Although I wonder if in Blender if all the armour layers were hidden minus the independent layer for the new slot type / old armour assets subdivided into new types:
- one animation render run being just shoulder armour,
- one animation render run being just the torso armour without arms and shoulders,
- one animation render run being just shin armour,
- one animation render run being just wrist armour,
- one animation render run being just the leg armour without shins and waist armour,
- one animation render run being just arm (bicep area) armour,
- one animation render run being just the feet without shins,
- one animation render run being just waist armour (belt / 'plate skirt' area),
Then ran the preexisting armour animations and and armour models to generate new armour visual layers how hard that process would be? It would require no new animations and art assets (most likely) for one has to just hide armour models in strategic areas minus the new ones / new armour slot areas and run the animations and render-er script(s). This should make the new 2.5D animations with the preexisting armour models for both male and female? Or is there something I am missing that adds extra difficulty? I could pay for this as well if it is matter of motivation / required skill / professionalism.
I am hoping I can help add more item customization / opportunities / depth and play style options. Such as new visually independent armor layers and mechanical and visual implementation / support for dual wielding. I wish to help add to the Flare engine to make the gameplay and character progression deeper. I hope to work towards added features with projects such as this in hopes to add more high quality content opportunities.
I wish to have the Flare R.P.G. engine be rich in gameplay features and be home to amazing wonderous elements of R.P.G.s. Even if they are in a simpler form to work within our scope of game engine with Flare; as like with Danimal's dual wielding idea. Even with simple implementation the main gameplay driving features would still be there to enjoy; yet simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication ;-P. I hope for players to explore a deep and richly enjoyable form of high quality gameplay while they play the games built in the Flare game engine :-).
Hmm, I suppose if all else fails I might have to figure out how to make new animations for Flare in blender with the source model files. A bit of a learning curve but doable. Bit by bit, still I would have to prioritize to make other things work in my R.P.G. first and probably add in dual wielding later. I'd prefer if the animations work could come from some one more talented with 3D animation / art than I but if all else fails I have the potential to succeed. It will mostly likely be a drawn out grind of trial and error; but it is possible.
Who has the skills and ability to implement Dual Wielding into Flare?
Is there anyone or a group pf people of whom I could commission to do this that so everyone could benefit after it is done? I would like this feature for my R.P.G. although if I can also help the community / Flare game engine in general I would love to do so. I just blew like 2K on a game mechanics demo a few months back and now that project is on ice for the team has full time work now.
Also I don't want to butcher the art when there is a better person for the job. If it is a matter of motivation I would rather spend some money helping people make cool things for lots of people rather than just on my own projects alone. I would rather spend money with this kind of community project where everyone can benefit after it is done. Rather than to just spend money where it is only for my game projects and they may or may not even see the light of day after all is said and done for the project.
I can pay in PayPal if there is someone or some people are willing, able and talented enough to do this kind of work. I would love it, everyone else would probably too if we could pull off Dual Wielding support for Flare. Even if it is just the 2.5D animation set for the base Flare male and female character models with all the base weapons and armour sets that would be a success.
Even if the engine has limitations like it has to be considered a two handed weapon but it is called a 'paired weapon set' / Axe + Sword, Hammer + Hammer, Dagger + Axe etc. even if these must be preset built combinations made via crafting two one-handed weapons into a preset technically single item that has both one-handed items made into technically one item (or something) that would work too. That will work, it would be very clunky and inefficient to develop but having that option for support is better than nothing too. Sure it is clunky as all hell but it will still offer that kind of play style to the players and make Flare a more grand / bigger scale game.
I hope that it is just a matter of if we can find the talent and motivation to pull it off. I have a guess that Danimal and maybe Dorkster could team up to do Dual Wielding support for Flare. Although I am not 100% sure on how you guys would be motivated to do so. If you guys can think of how to do this and find a way to make it work well enough within the engine I can pay something reasonable for your guys' time, talent and effort. Please just tell me how long it will take and how hard the it is and I can pay a fair honest price for your work. Even if it is super clunky to start with having even 'combined weapon sets' for a version 1 of Dual Wielding. If we get the animations working and they play fair enough with the game engine to start a working version 1 of Dual Wielding that is still a success.
I wonder how to add in more visual armour slots / types and to what the challenges of such a request would be? There are main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below) yet only some have separate visuals that show up on the player character though. The current main armour slots / types that I use that do not have visuals are as such: Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists. Although the 3D graphics for these separate armour pieces are rendered and are included / combined into armour slots / types such as:
Torso having included Shoulders and Arms
Hands having included Wrists
Legs having included Waist
Feet having included Shins.
Is it possible to make more visual armour layers / separate the armour slots / types further to support independent Shoulders, Arms, Wrists, Waist and Shins visible armour slots / types?
These are the main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below)
"# Main Armour
Also special mention to Back and Tabard slot / type for these are supposed to be visual armour / clothes that goes with any armour type. Same with Shirt, Pants, Hat and other clothing that can be found under realistic armour. Yet these are extra details and are fine being non-visual in nature. It is the main armour types that already have art work but made into separate independent art layers / slots / types that I am mainly wondering about. Independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists.
Also can speed (at least movement speed) be affected by the floating point numbers? So that I and everyone else can have greater depth with how to tinker with speed values? As in a case like for example with say heavy armour pieces slows a character's movement rate and force a balancing act to play out? Currently it seems that only integers work with movement speed but not like numbers like -1.2% or -0.5 and or +2.7%.